After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 22: alienated

Guan Yinghan didn\'t look for the scene manager, but squatted in the most hidden corner of the film and television city, opened the pocket watch she treasured, and brushed the gentle eyebrows and eyes of the girl in the photo with her fingertips.

The accumulated mist blurred his vision, and Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help but think of the night when Ruoyun was in heat.

Afterwards, Lin Ruoyun hugged her tightly, and murmured: "Guan Guan, I lied to you just now. I lied to you that...the inhibitor is gone. I just let you mark me."

Lin Ruoyun leaned in her arms, her pretty face blushing: "You will be returning to Guan\'s house in a few days, I know you can\'t bear to part with me... so... let you mark me... so you don\'t have to worry that I will be robbed by other Alphas Walk.

The sweet scent of Omega is addictive. After Guan Yinghan tasted it, she couldn\'t resist it anymore. The feeling of being cared and loved was too warm. She didn\'t want to go back to the lonely and cold lair before.

She yearns for Ruoyun\'s love, wants to lock her into her own world, wants to see her at first sight every morning when she wakes up.


An unexpected estrus made Ruoyun hate her and alienate her.

Guan Yinghan bit her lips hard, forcing back her tears, and tasted her own bitter and astringent taste of blood in her mouth.

There was the sound of high heels trampling on the gravel road, Guan Yinghan raised her head in surprise, but after seeing who was coming, she lowered her head in disappointment.

Ji Wan stared at Guan Yinghan\'s face as black as the bottom of a pot, she shrank her head and moved over: "Second Miss... I... I don\'t know why Miss Lin suddenly asked me to be her assistant... You trust me, Even if you give me ten guts, I wouldn\'t dare..."

"I know." Guan Yinghan cut off her stuttering explanation and closed her eyes: "That\'s fine, you can stay by Ruoyun\'s side at any time and protect her personally."

Ji Wan didn\'t expect that Guan Yinghan would not be annoyed, and excitedly opened the chatter box: "Second Miss, I had Dean He test all the items you gave me, including the food, and none of them found any inhibitors of the pheromone. Element."

When Guan Yinghan heard the words to suppress the pheromones, a haze flashed in Guan Yinghan\'s eyes: "I will check all the people Ruoyun has come into contact with, and check everything she has come into contact with. , I’ll give you two months, and if you can’t find out, you can go back to Grandpa and get Fett’s help.”

Ji Wan nodded submissively: "Understood, Second Miss."

Lin Ruoyun walked out of the dressing room sullenly, and walked aimlessly along the wall of the film and television city, her mind was still filled with Guan Yinghan\'s choked-up two sentences.

" don\'t want me anymore? Are you going to drive me away?"

Lin Ruoyun felt so oppressed, she sat in a remote corner, bent down and buried her face in her arms.

Coincidentally, her new assistant—Ji Wan was passing by her with her costume, and Lin Ruoyun was about to stop her, but she ran so fast that she didn\'t even notice the people in the corner.

Lin Ruoyun involuntarily followed Ji Wan, and saw that she stopped in front of Guan Yinghan, and then stuffed the milk sandwich into Guan Yinghan\'s hands.

"You only care about Miss Lin, you must have not eaten breakfast, here! Eat quickly."

Lin Ruoyun\'s back froze suddenly, and she looked at the two of them steadily from a distance of ten meters.

Although her little toffee is mentally incomplete, her appearance is one in a million, and her facial features are a hundred times better than other Alphas.

Very attractive.

Every time she sat in the rest area, the sweet and lovely Omegas of the crew gathered around her to tease her.

Toffee seemed to...never paid them any attention.

But...she seems to treat Ji Wan differently from other Omega.

This may be a good opportunity.

If Toffee gets in touch with Omega of the same age more and learns to get along with them, maybe she will meet someone she really likes.

Although Ji Wan is not as delicate and soft as other Omegas, she is more lively and agile, and her appearance is also extremely outstanding among the actors.

Such a cute Omega, Alpha should be heartbroken.

Well, it should be.

Lin Ruoyun said a lot of reasoning in her heart, then adjusted her expression, and waved at Ji Wan: "Xiao Wan, so you are here, and it took me a long time to look for it."

Guan Yinghan raised her eyes, and the moment she saw Lin Ruoyun, the corners of her mouth curved up uncontrollably.

Ji Wan rushed up to her, scratching her head embarrassedly: "Sister Yun, are you looking for me? Has the director called to start work?"

Lin Ruoyun glanced past Ji Wan, looked behind her, and quickly retracted in a second: "No, it\'s all about Senior Jiang\'s scenes in the morning, and I\'ll be filming in the afternoon."

Alpha has a natural yearning for beautiful Omega, Ji Wan didn\'t control the scale well, and took a second look: "Sister Yun...then I\'ll go and make preparations for you."

As soon as the words fell, Ji Wan felt a cold wind blowing on the back of her neck. She shivered inexplicably, and looked back vigilantly. She didn\'t find anything unusual about the second lady, but why—

It was as if someone had pierced her with the sight of an ice knife.


Just when Ji Wan was about to run away, Lin Ruoyun supported her shoulders and held her still: "No need, there is nothing to prepare, you can play with Toffee here, over there..."

Lin Ruoyun raised her head inadvertently, met Guan Ying\'s cold, dark eyes, and her voice paused.


Every time Toffee just showed this look of being abandoned by the whole world, her heart felt as if it was being pinched, and she was very bored.

However, she was still able to paralyze herself before, Toffee is just a child, no matter how intimate she is, there is no desire between AO.

But after last night—

She realizes that Toffee is a physically mature Alpha, and she has an instinctive response to her pheromones.

If she doesn\'t stop it in time, Toffee will become addicted. She is insane and has no self-control. At that time, both of them will fall into the abyss, and they will not be able to return to the simple relationship before.

But what\'s wrong with toffee?

She trusted her without any grievances, and devoted all her sincerity to her. Even in the case of unexpected estrus, the toffee did not hurt her.

It was she who screwed up everything.

But she must be hard-hearted.

Lin Ruoyun bit her lip, turned around awkwardly, leaving only her back view.

"Sister Yun, don\'t leave." Ji Wan neither left nor stayed, sweating coldly, "Why don\'t I prepare costumes and props for you."

Lin Ruoyun waved her hand, and her voice came from afar: "I don\'t need you there, you stay with Toffee."

Guan Yinghan stood there blankly, until the hair on her forehead was blown by the cold wind and brushed the corners of her lips.

The wind blows over the cheeks, icy and cool.

Guan Yinghan raised her hand and brushed it over, touching a water stain that hadn\'t dried in time.

Ji Wan had never seen the second young lady like this, her face was covered with silent tears, dripping down her chin to her neck, and then rolling into her neckline.

She remembered the time when the second young lady and the eldest wife had the most fierce fight. She was on a business trip in M ​​City, and was assassinated by a killer bribed by the eldest wife. The knife wound went from her armpit to her abdomen.

The medical conditions in M ​​City are poor, and the second lady only had simple disinfection and anesthesia before being put on the operating table.

Ji Wan once thought she couldn\'t make it through, but Guan Yinghan didn\'t even hum.

But now because of Lin Ruoyun\'s two words, Second Miss showed a sad and desperate expression that she had never seen in her life.

Ji Wan staggered half a step, followed her anxiously, and walked to the studio. Guan Yihan\'s eyes rolled around, and she threw herself down in disappointment when she couldn\'t see Ruoyun.

Ji Wan peeped at her master\'s face, took her frustrations into her eyes, and comforted her in a small voice: "Second miss, don\'t be discouraged, as long as you find a medicine that inhibits the pheromone of Xiangxuelan, and prevent Miss Lin from taking it, I think she will be fine soon. I can remember you."

Guan Yinghan turned around, raised her eyelids coldly, and gave her a look that you cared too much.

Ji Wan hurriedly used a smile to hide her flustered expression, and Guan Yinghan said, "What are you following me for? Didn\'t I ask you to protect Ruoyun? If she is in danger, you are the only one to ask."

Ji Wan was about to talk about the dangers of being on the set in broad daylight, but before she could open her mouth, she heard the sound of Kakaka metal colliding.

Ji Wan has received professional training since she was a child, and her hearing is more sensitive than ordinary Alphas. She subconsciously looked up and saw that the wires that had just been raised in the props group all fell off when sliding, and the suspension locks used for traction were straight. Smash it down.

The angle of the drape was impartial, and it happened to be aimed at Guan Yinghan.

The two hanging locks weigh at least 40 to 50 kilograms, plus the impact force of falling from a high place, if you hit your body, you will be disabled if you don\'t die.

Ji Wan raised her heart to her throat, and before her brain could react, her body had already taken the first step.

She flew over in a second, raised her left hand to protect Guan Yinghan\'s head, wrapped her right hand around her waist, and rolled her with her, rolling down several times before stopping her figure.

Ji Wan raised her arms and checked Guan Yinghan immediately: "Second Miss, are you alright?"

Guan Yinghan stood up, patted the ashes on her clothes, her face remained unchanged, as if the thrilling moment just now was just a small scene.

However, the little boy O who was pulling the rope was so frightened that his face paled, and he ran over scrambling and apologizing: "I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, didn\'t you get hurt?"

Guan Yinghan shook her head, her gaze passed over the little boy O\'s hand, her originally silent face suddenly changed color...

Ji Wan noticed her strangeness, and looked over her, her gaze froze.

In the next second, she pulled the rope from the little boy O\'s hand, held it in front of her eyes, turned it over and over again, and then raised her eyes to meet Guan Yinghan\'s.

They only exchanged a glance, and they understood the meaning of each other\'s eyes.

This was not an accident!

Looking at the fracture of the rope, it is obviously caused by artificial cutting.

Having been persecuted by the wife of the Guan family for many years, Guan Yinghan and Ji Wan can always maintain a high degree of vigilance when facing danger.

Ji Wan asked the little boy O calmly, "Who\'s going to tease Wia in today\'s play?"

The little boy O seemed to be very scared: "It\'s Sister Jiang Hui, she has a fight scene and she wants to tease Wia."

He rubbed his chest with lingering fear: "Fortunately, Sister Hui sent her mother to the hospital for a physical examination in the morning, otherwise the consequences... I dare not even think about it."

Obviously, this accident was aimed at Jiang Hui, but the other party did not expect Jiang Hui\'s itinerary to change temporarily.

Since Jiang Hui is not here, her role...

Guan Yinghan shuddered all over, and a strange sense of fear surged from the soles of her feet to her head.

She eagerly asked: "Whose scene are you going to shoot now?"

"The director said to shoot the second female Sang Rou first." The little boy O pointed to the direction of the third floor, his eyes looked up: "Sister Ruoyun has already gone to the costume room to change her costume."

It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t look at it, but the little boy O is scared out of his wits when he looks at it: "Damn it, why is there a fire in the dressing room?"

Guan Yinghan raised her head, her face turned pale. At that moment, she almost forgot how to breathe, and there was only the burning flame in her pupils.