After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 24: just listen to my sister

Guan Yinghan was immediately sent to the operating room.

The red light at the door came on.

Lin Ruoyun stood there for a long time, until Ji Wan put the coat on her body, and then trembled, as if waking up from hell.

She leaned to the side dully, touched the bench outside the operating room with her trembling arms, and sat down with the armrests.

Jiang Hui rushed to the hospital in a hurry and stopped Ji Wan who was circling around outside the operating room.

"Guan..." Jiang Hui glanced at the sluggish Lin Ruoyun, and changed the topic: "How is Toffee?"

Ji Wan\'s eyes were swollen like walnuts: "I\'m still inside for first aid."

Jiang Hui slowly moved to Lin Ruoyun\'s side, stroking her hair: "Ruoyun, I think you\'d better go check it out too. If you fall from such a high place, will you hurt your internal organs? It\'s more reassuring to check."

Lin Ruoyun rolled her dull eyes, slowly turned her head, and said in a low voice, "I\'m fine, don\'t worry. I want to wait for Toffee to wake up."

Jiang Hui hummed lightly and stopped persuading.

What happened today had a huge impact on Jiang Hui.

Although she didn\'t see Guan Er rushing into the fire scene to rescue Lin Ruoyun with her own eyes, she was extremely shocked by the details she heard from other crew members.

Guan Er\'s desperate rush in to save Lin Ruoyun at the critical moment of life and death is enough to show that in her heart, Lin Ruoyun is more important than her own life.

If Jiang Hui had hope for Guan Yinghan before, but after this, she no longer has any illusions.

Five hours later, the lights outside the operating room went out with a ding, and the door was pushed open from the inside out.

Ji Wan was the first to rush forward: " is she?"

The doctor was very tired after performing the operation all night, but he still patiently comforted him: "Thanks to you who laid a cushion to cushion her when she fell, otherwise she would not have been so lucky. The wound on the patient\'s head and back looked deep, but the bones and internal organs It\'s all right, wait for her to wake up and do a full body check, if there is no problem, she can be transferred from the ICU to the general ward."

As soon as the doctor finished speaking, Lin Ruoyun finally let out a laughing cry as if she lost her strength, and staggered towards the intensive care unit.

Through the glass, she saw that Guan Yinghan\'s body was covered with various tubes and instruments. She curled her fingers and tapped lightly on the glass: "Toffee...wake up quickly, my sister will take you home."

The air was filled with the smell of disinfectant, and there was the sound of Didi\'s ECG detection in my ears.

Guan Yinghan struggled to open her eyes, half of her body was in pain as if splitting open, she could only move her fingers feebly and let out what she thought was a loud cry.

"Ruoyun... Ruoyun..."

Ji Wan heard a faint voice, and turned around in surprise: "Second\'re finally awake."

Guan Yinghan\'s blurred vision shifted from Ji Wan\'s face to Jiang Hui\'s, but she didn\'t see Lin Ruoyun, and her expression became anxious: "Where is Ruoyun..."

Jiang Hui\'s hanging heart settled down, and she couldn\'t help teasing Guan Er: "Your Omega left early, hey! Why does Lin Ruoyun care about you, a fool? Didn\'t she tell you to follow the field yesterday? She doesn\'t want you. .”

Guan Yinghan stared at her in a daze for a few seconds, tears suddenly flowed down, she couldn\'t stop her eyes from being closed, and the thin watery color slid down her cheeks: "Ruoyun is gone...she doesn\'t want me..."

"Hey, hey, Guan Er! Don\'t be like this, my God, are you crying?"

Jiang Hui froze for a second in disbelief, and hurriedly pulled out a tissue: "God, am I dazzled, Guan Er, you actually shed tears."

Seeing this, Ji Wan quickly pushed Jiang Hui away, and gave her an angry look: "Sister Hui, what are you talking about, why are you scaring the second lady?"

Jiang Hui rubbed her nose, stepped aside, and couldn\'t help but slander.

Why is she, the second miss of the Guan family, so scared?

But it looks like it\'s Yazi.

Ji Wan went to Guan Yinghan\'s bedside and comforted her in a low voice: "Second Miss, don\'t listen to Sister Hui\'s nonsense, the police just came over, and Sister Ruoyun is going to take notes."

But Guan Yinghan still didn\'t believe it, she tilted her head on the pillow and refused to communicate with others, her eyes were unfocused and her face was terribly pale.


A surprise call came from the door of the ward.


Lin Ruoyun rushed to the bed, bent down, and took her hand on the quilt: "Are you awake? Is there any pain?"

Guan Yinghan\'s lax eyes quickly filled with moisture, she blinked vigorously, then blinked again, and finally let out a sob from her throat: " didn\'t leave, you didn\'t run away."

Lin Ruoyun\'s nose involuntarily turned sour.

Toffee never wanted very little, she just wanted to stay by her side and get a little attention and care.

But I am always worried about what is there and what is not between AO, but Toffee is always persistent, and she rushes towards her without hesitation in storms, mountains of swords and seas of fire.

Lin Ruoyun slowly rubbed her white knuckles: "How could I go away, I want to go home with Toffee."

"They... said you were gone... and said you wouldn\'t talk to me anymore..." Guan Yinghan choked up her breath, accusing every word of grievance, her body trembling slightly from fear: "Sister...they are lying , won\'t you? You\'re not leaving me, are you?"

"Yes, they are deceiving people, it\'s too bad." Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help but put her hands around her neck and put it on her cheek: "Don\'t listen to them, from now on, you just listen to your sister!"

"I only listen to my sister." Guan Yinghan leaned against her regardless of her numb body due to pain: "Sister, don\'t drive me away."

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart seemed to be soaked in magma, softening uncomfortably: "I\'m sorry, Toffee... I asked you to follow the field sister, just to let you learn more. It\'s my fault, I didn\'t consider your feelings. If you don\'t like it, then don\'t go."

"Sister... don\'t worry, toffee can do better than them without learning."

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t move half of her body, so she rubbed her face back and forth on her soft body: "I will protect you."

Lin Ruoyun chuckled, thinking she was a child bragging: "It seems that you really can\'t be allowed to follow the field, Xiao Jiang is good at everything, but she can\'t change the problem of talking big, and ruined our toffee .

Jiang Hui really understood this time, Guan Er was only a distance away from Lin Ruoyun from the fierce wolf cub to the red-eyed little white rabbit.

But before she could speak out to spoil the atmosphere, she was dragged out by Ji Wan.

Jiang Hui shook off her hand, and leaned too **** Ji Wan\'s body. The smell of lemon wafted through her nose, and Jiang Hui\'s eyes became blurred.

"There are two masters and servants, one is pretending to be stupid and the other is pretending to be O. Why?"

Ji Wan hurriedly straightened up, took a step back while holding her steady, a suspicious blush appeared on her face: "Second...Second Miss, don\'t let me speak."

Jiang Hui leaned over persistently, leaning her head weakly on Ji Wan\'s chest, hearing her frantic heartbeat, couldn\'t help but curl her red lips: "Oh, tell me, why didn\'t Guan Er take Lin Ruoyun with you?" Go back to Guan\'s house, but stay by her side and pretend to be crazy?"

"Sister Hui, every time you take the words of the second lady from me, you always say that, and the old man knows everything in the end."

Ji Wan blushed and backed away, but was nailed to the wall by Jiang Hui. She was teased spinelessly and almost told the truth again: "Second Miss said... the old man has been in a high position for a long time, and his style of conduct is too strong, which will scare Miss Lin. so…"

"So, Guan Er hid Lin Ruoyun by his side?"

Jiang Hui moved her right hand down and rested it on Ji Wan\'s shoulder, her fingertips brushed against her glands: "Then what does this have to do with her being a fool? The two of them knew each other before?"

Ji Wan was really overwhelmed, and in a hurry, her IQ went online in a second: "Hui, sister Hui, Miss Mu Wei called me just now, saying that the person who set the fire has been caught, do you want to..."

"Yes, of course." Jiang Hui finally let go of her, gnashing her teeth: "I want to see who is behind my back."