After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 21: keep distance

Lin Ruoyun passed out last night, and when she woke up, it was already dawn outside the window.

She opened her eyes in a daze, unable to tell where she was for a moment. After a while, she struggled to get up, raising her hand to block the harsh light from the window.

Ruoyun\'s rustling sound woke up Guan Yinghan, who was leaning against the door, and she quickly ran over, curling the corners of her lips skillfully, revealing an innocent smile that only Toffee can do.

"Sister... are you awake?"

Lin Ruoyun regained consciousness gradually, recalling what happened before she fell into a coma, subconsciously grabbed the pillow and threw it at her: "You...don\'t come near me."

Guan Yinghan knelt on the edge of the bed, looked up at her, her eyes were dripping with water: "Sister... I\'m sorry..."

Lin Ruoyun\'s forehead twitched suddenly, and she hurriedly stroked the back of her neck. The glands were clean and there was no trace of marking at all.

She lifted the quilt again, held her breath and glanced down. The underwear was also neatly put on, without any suspicious signs or discomfort.

She propped her hands back and moved a little distance away from Toffee.

Guan Yinghan sensitively sensed the change in Lin Ruoyun\'s attitude when she woke up. She grabbed Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulders uneasily, and sent herself tremblingly towards her, her flushed eyelids half drooping: "Sister...I\'m hugged me last night. I, I don\'t know why it becomes so hot and uncomfortable... sister... don\'t you like toffee?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s face turned pale.

She remembered what happened last night very clearly. It was clear that she took the initiative to drag the toffee to play with her, and it was an intimate scene.

Although Toffee is mentally incomplete, her body has already matured, and she is an out-and-out Alpha.

It was because she didn\'t grasp the size properly, and teased the toffee for no reason, which aroused her fever period.

What does Toffee know, she\'s just a child.

What\'s more, pheromones are prone to disorder during the fever period. Omega approaching her at this time is like a walking aphrodisiac. It is understandable that she can\'t control it.

Lin Ruoyun bit her lower lip, stretched her hands and moved forward a little bit, leaned in front of Guan Yinghan, met her pure and ignorant eyes, and said hesitantly, " you forget what happened last night?"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Ruoyun was shocked by herself and froze in place.

What kind of peerless scumbag is speaking!

Lin Ruoyun wanted to make amends, but Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were red first, blinked her misty eyes, and looked at her in disbelief.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t have the courage to look at her. She turned her eyes away like needles, and explained falteringly: "Toffee...It should be my sister who told you I\'m sorry, but I didn\'t guide you well. It\'s also the first time I raised a baby as big as you. My kid has no experience, from now on we... let\'s keep a little distance, okay?"

Guan Yinghan understood.

Ruoyun didn\'t like her, and she took herself in purely out of pity and sympathy.

Seeing the light in her eyes go out little by little, Lin Ruoyun\'s heart ached inexplicably, but she could accommodate other things, except this kind of thing.

She can\'t indulge Toffee\'s desire for herself that she shouldn\'t have.

This is irresponsible to oneself, and even more irresponsible to toffee.

She turned her face back and looked at Guan Yinghan at the same level: "Toffee, when you recover your memory, you can live a normal life, and you will find your favorite Omega and live with her."

Guan Yinghan\'s heart felt like being stabbed by a blunt instrument, the pain caused her fingers to curl up unconsciously.

Ruoyun, the person who lost his memory is you!

It is you who forget me, the Omega who forgets me is you!

I promised my grandpa to go back to Guan\'s house, walk step by step from the **** storm, and become strong enough, just to be able to match you.

But you forgot about me, so what\'s the point of me doing this?

Guan Yinghan raised her eyes listlessly, and saw the mist in Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes.

After all, she still couldn\'t bear to make Ruoyun sad.

Guan Yinghan blinked, and deliberately put her tone lightly: "Okay, I will stay away from my sister in the future."

Lin Ruoyun breathed a sigh of relief, what followed was not happiness and relief, but an indescribable loss, as if a piece of her heart had been dug out.

Whether she admits it or not, the feeling when she plays with Toffee is completely different from when she plays with the male No. 4.

Although she was also flustered, her panic about the male number four came from the fear in her heart, and her panic about toffee was actually mixed with a trace of longing.

But she still refused to admit it, and even secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, Toffee was in heat because of her teasing, if she had a subjective and instinctive reaction to her body, she would really have no way out.

Lin Ruoyun arrived at the set early, and while she was waiting for makeup, Jiang Hui came over and handed some papers to her: "Ruoyun, Sang Rou\'s drama of the Warlord has changed. This is a new script. Please memorize the lines."

Lin Ruoyun took over the script, looked at ten lines at a glance, and the smile gradually froze on her face: "Senior, why... the intimate scenes of Sang Rou and the warlord were deleted?"

Looking further down, Lin Ruoyun exclaimed directly: "Ah... no... did you delete the role of the warlord?"

Jiang Hui went back to the seat and waved to the assistant: "Old Lin is like this. When he becomes addicted to writing, he can change the script eighteen times a day. Just get used to it."

Just as Jiang Hui was talking, a slender figure walked into the dressing room, stood at the door and stared at Lin Ruoyun, his lips were tightly pressed, and like a child who had done something wrong, he approached her cautiously.

When she walked up to Lin Ruoyun, Guan Yinghan still stared at her without blinking, as if there was a heavy light overflowing from her black eyes.

Neither of them spoke. Jiang Hui looked back and forth a few times with a black question mark face, and finally saw something.


It turned out to be awkward.

She just said, Guan Er asked Lao Lin to change the script overnight, and the co-author still didn\'t want Lin Ruoyun to play intimate scenes with other people.


Poor Ruoyun, with such a jealous Alpha, how will life be in the future!

However, the next second, she turned her head again and saw Guan Yinghan put the hot milk into Lin Ruoyun\'s arms, and whispered humblely and helplessly: " will be hungry if you didn\'t eat breakfast."

Lin Ruoyun deliberately didn\'t look at her, and her tone was full of deliberate alienation: "Toffee, I will greet the field manager in the morning, and you will learn from her from now on. As for the assistant\'s job, let Ji Wan do it for you. She is Omega , it is more convenient to do anything.”

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Hui, who had buried herself like an ostrich the whole time, was so surprised that her pupils trembled a few times.

It seems that it\'s not as simple as being awkward, is Lin Ruoyun trying to draw a line with Guan Er?

Then Guan 2 is not crazy?

Sure enough, Guan Yinghan was stunned by her words for a moment, and then she lowered her long eyelashes, her dark eyes gradually overflowed with water marks, and her nasal voice became more and more intense: " don\'t want me anymore? Are you going to drive me away?"

Lin Ruoyun looked up at her, her eyes sparkled: "No, I just want you to learn something more, you can\'t stay by my side forever, can you?"

"Okay." Guan Yinghan didn\'t speak any more, curled up her fingers silently, turned and walked out, when she reached the door, her figure became darker and darker, and finally turned into a dusty afterimage.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart seemed to be thrown into a frying pan, she turned her face away, suppressed the churning emotions, and continued to study the script in her hand.

"What happened?" Jiang Hui covered her script with her hand: "Since you can\'t bear your little A, why did you drive him away? Look at you, you are about to cry."

Lin Ruoyun sniffed, and put down the hair pinned behind the ears to cover her eyebrows and eyes: "Senior, you read wrong, why am I crying?"

Jiang Hui gave her a blank look, and pointed to the water stains on the script: "I didn\'t cry, so what is this?"

"Yes... yes... the script is so touching." Lin Ruoyun stood up in a panic, avoiding Jiang Hui\'s prying eyes: "Senior, I\'m going to find my assistant, the filming is about to start, and she doesn\'t know where she is."