After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 12: Toffee hiding from her?

When Lin Ruoyun went downstairs, Qin Yeli\'s black Porsche had already parked downstairs in the unit, the dazzling appearance of the luxury car seemed out of place with this small and shabby house.

Qin Yeli was wearing a white tunic shirt, black pencil pants, and was lazily leaning against the car door while stepping on high-heeled shoes. She stared at Unit 24 with her long and narrow eyes through gold-rimmed glasses.

Seeing Ruoyun coming out of gate 24, Qin Yeli took his hands out of the pockets of his pencil pants, turned and opened the co-pilot.

She put her hands on top of Ruoyun\'s head, and waited for her to sit down before returning to the driver\'s seat.

Qin Yeli fastened her seat belt, turned her head to look at her: "Where do you want to go?"

"You decide."

Lin Ruoyun stretched out her hand to pull the seat belt, but Qin Yeli was already one step ahead of her, leaned over, pulled the seat belt for her, and reached for the buckle on the side of her seat.

Lin Ruoyun instinctively hid back, raised her head inadvertently, and saw a cold and melancholy face looming in the gap between the curtains in her attic.

Qin Yeli started the car, the headlights of the Porsche turned on, cold white light brushed across Guan Yinghan\'s side face, and in the gap between the half-opened black pupils, there was crystal water flashing.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart seemed to be stabbed by something, the pain was so piercing.

This kind of pain came urgently and hard, as if it came from the depths of the soul.

Qin Yeli seemed to be aware of her strangeness, and asked with concern: "Ruoyun, what\'s the matter?"

Lin Ruoyun turned her face away, waited for the dull pain to pass before turning back, and whispered: "It\'s okay, let\'s go."

At this time, Christmas is approaching, and the shopping malls are overcrowded. There is a Christmas tree in front of every store, and the festive atmosphere is strong.

Lin Ruoyun was standing on the escalator, and Qin Yeli was behind her, protecting her from the crowd.

Qin Yeli is tall and has a good-looking face, with a faint smile on her red lips.

Such an Alpha, walking in the bustling crowd is already very eye-catching, not to mention the thuja pheromone that seems to be absent on her body—

That kind of pheromone that only top Alphas have caused many Omegas to sneak peeks frequently.

But Qin Yeli didn\'t seem to know it, and led Lin Ruoyun slowly on various floors, seeming to enjoy the fun of shopping with her.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, and all the goods sold on this floor were luxury goods.

Next to the armrest is the brand women\'s clothing store that Qin Yeli frequents.

She dragged Ruoyun in, pointed to the suit on the model and said to the clerk, "Xiao Wang, you said there is a new item in the store, is this one? Take it out and give it to Ms. Lin to try."

Lin Ruoyun shook her head, seeming to be lacking in interest: "No need, the ones you asked someone to buy for me before, I almost can\'t fit them in the closet."

"But you don\'t like those, I haven\'t seen you wear them." Qin Yeli smiled, she seemed to be very accommodating and considerate to Ruoyun.

"So today I will take you to choose by yourself, and you will definitely be able to choose the one you are satisfied with."

Lin Ruoyun stood dumbly, with polite and distant eyes: "Ye Li, thank you, but I don\'t want to buy clothes."

"Why are you always being polite to me? You are my fiancée, don\'t always say thank you." While speaking, Qin Yeli signaled the clerk to hand over the skirt, and she gestured to Ruoyun with it: "Give flowers to my fiancée." Money, I\'d love to. Quick, go in and try."

her fiancée?

Lin Ruoyun froze, staring blankly at Qin Yeli\'s rose-colored lips, in a trance.

When and where did I agree to Ye Li\'s marriage proposal?

What was the weather like and what was the surrounding environment like?

Why is this memory so vague and pale, only a very abrupt outline remains in her mind?

It\'s even a little unreal, as if it was forced into her mind?

Lin Ruoyun took a deep breath, and the words that came out were light and soft, but they hit Qin Yeli\'s heart like thunder.

"Ye Li, I fell ill five years ago. You took me to China for treatment and took care of me tirelessly. I... am very grateful to you, but I am just a good friend to you..."

"Ruoyun!" Qin Yeli seemed to know what she wanted to say, and hurriedly snatched her words away, not letting her continue: "If you don\'t like this dress, don\'t try it on. Let\'s go shopping in front, shall we?"

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t have the mood to go shopping anymore, and said goodbye to her hastily: "Ye Li, I\'m sorry, I can\'t accompany you anymore."

She walked towards the elevator exit, Qin Yeli reached out to pull her: "It\'s too late, I\'ll take you back."

Lin Ruoyun backed away calmly, Qin Yeli\'s fingers flew into the air, and the cool wind passed between her fingers.

Lin Ruoyun declined her kindness with a smile: "No need, it\'s very convenient to take a taxi here."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t even ask Qin Yeli to send her downstairs, she rushed into the elevator, her back disappeared from Qin Yeli\'s sight.

Qin Yeli just watched her walk away from a group of customers, her complexion became more and more serious, as if covered with a layer of ice that could not be melted away.

When Alpha is in a bad mood, the pheromone released makes the surroundings shrouded in a sense of oppression.

The clerk Xiao Wang is just an ordinary Beta. She endured the discomfort and approached: "Miss Qin, you and the second wife always take care of me, uh...some things, I don\'t know if I should say it or not."

"Say it." Qin Yeli tried her best to control her emotions, and slowly withdrew the pheromone.

"Miss Lin likes acting. With your financial resources, you can give her better resources in the entertainment industry. This is much more useful than giving clothes and jewelry."

Qin Yeli slowly pushed the half-framed gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and a cold light flashed across the transparent lenses: "Ruoyun is too proud, hold her up, and when she stands at a high enough position, she will fly away, only Break her wings, and she will stay by my side obediently, and will never fly away."

Lin Ruoyun was worried about Toffee, worried that she would be afraid of being alone at home, and even more afraid that she would touch electrical sockets indiscriminately and cause danger, so she couldn\'t help feeling a little impatient.

She urged the driver to drive faster, but it was past ten o\'clock when she returned to the rental community.

In the whole building, only the windows on the sixth floor are still lit with warm yellow light.

That is-

her home...

For a moment, Lin Ruoyun\'s heart seemed to be warmed by the sun.

She has long been used to walking through the dark corridors alone, and never thought that there would be someone...

Leave a light for her and watch her go home.

The feeling of being cared for... so good!

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes to look at the chocolate in her hand. She bought it at the 24-hour convenience store at the gate of the community when she got off the car just now. She always felt that every time she went home, she had to bring a gift for her children.

Toffee will be delighted.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t know why she was so eager to return home. On the way from the gate of the community to the unit building, she couldn\'t help raising her head frequently, looking at the warm light.

Under the warm yellow light, a clear side face protruded, but when Ruoyun raised her head again, that figure disappeared.

What\'s the matter?

Toffee—Are you avoiding her?