After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 11: Teach her about AO physiology

It was already five o\'clock in the afternoon when we returned to the rental house. Lin Ruoyun turned on the TV, tuned to "Children\'s Channel", and asked Guan Yinghan to learn Chinese characters.

Guan Yinghan sat on a low stool, and Ruoyun spread a pen and paper in front of her: "Finish this side before dinner."

Guan Yinghan\'s forehead twitched.

In the past, I didn\'t know who it was, who snatched her homework and copied it with shamelessness. When copying, I was double-minded, and even mixed up the Z city\'s unified exam paper with the S city\'s exam paper, and was severely punished by the teacher.

For the sake of that second idiot, I deliberately handed in a blank paper and was punished with her.

Now he is serious, just like a dean.

Guan Yinghan pretended to be afraid of being dominated by homework, and refused to write for a long time.

"elder sister…"

Guan Yinghan opened her mouth and was knocked on the shoulder by the pointer in Lin Ruoyun\'s hand. Her face was serious and her tone was cold: "It\'s useless to call me sister, write quickly."

Guan Yinghan obediently picked up the pen, and drew twice on the paper.

Lin Ruoyun walked around behind her, brushed the curly hair hanging on her shoulders with her fingertips, bent down slowly, held her hand with her soft and white fingers, and taught her to copy stroke by stroke.

Warm breath brushed against Guan Yinghan\'s cheeks, her heartbeat accelerated crazily, the expression on her face became stiff, and a blush spread from her neck to her ears.

From the corner of her eye, Lin Ruoyun caught sight of a hot and **** sight, she lowered her eyes slightly, and unexpectedly fell into Guan Yinghan\'s hazy eyes.

I don\'t know if it\'s because the room temperature is too high or the air isn\'t circulating, but Lin Ruoyun was touched by Toffee\'s eyes, and her ears secretly heated up.

too difficult…

It is really difficult to raise a well-behaved, soft and obedient child.

It is even more difficult to raise a child with fair skin, beautiful appearance and long legs.

Lin Ruoyun held her breath, and deliberately raised her eyes to stare at her: "Look at me, read the words!"

Guan Yinghan was so fierce by her that she lowered her eyelashes softly, and her eye sockets were filled with despondent moisture.

Lin Ruoyun felt that she was being eaten to death by toffee, as long as she showed this expression, she felt like child abuse, and hurriedly comforted her: "Toffee, you finish your homework obediently, and my sister will be rewarded."

Little Toffee\'s gloomy eyes lit up instantly: "What reward?"

Lin Ruoyun raised her cherry lips: "Then... what reward does Toffee want?"

The TV in the living room flickered suddenly, the teaching video ended, and it jumped to an advertisement for a point reader.

On the screen, the little girl is studying with a point reader, and her test score jumped from 66 to 99.

The girl\'s mother rewarded her with a kiss on her forehead.

Guan Yinghan pointed at the TV screen, bent her eyes, and smiled innocently: "Sister, I want to kiss."

Lin Ruoyun\'s breath was stagnant, and she felt that it was necessary to have an AO physiological knowledge class with Toffee.

But after thinking about it, Toffee is just a demented Alpha, only five or six years old in her heart, and the kiss she wants is nothing more than a way of expressing intimacy.

Therefore, Lin Ruoyun readily agreed: "Okay!"

She took out the reward stickers for preschoolers purchased online, pointed to the small grid and said: "From today on, Toffee will follow the learning plan above, and you will get a little red flower after you finish it. Wait for this line." If they are all pasted up, my sister will reward Toffee with a kiss."

Guan Yinghan shifted her gaze to the sticker, and silently read the small words on it in her heart.

study plan:

1. Complete addition and subtraction within 20;

2. Complete reading and writing independently;

3. Insist on reading two short stories every day;

Guan Yinghan lowered her head in a concealed manner, covering the corners of her mouth that were secretly raised.

What are these sub-questions?

You can collect the little red flowers in seconds, and then you can brew with Ruoyun sauce...


What are you thinking?

I almost forgot that I am just a 5-year-old child with an IQ.

Lin Ruoyun stretched out her hand to rub her head, and smiled at her: "Okay, Toffee will finish the homework first, and my sister will come to check when the meal is ready."

As she was speaking, the cell phone in her pocket rang.

Lin Ruoyun took it out and took a look, her brows subconsciously tightened.

The bell stopped and rang, rang and stopped, until the third time, Lin Ruoyun had no choice but to answer: "Mom."

On the other end of the phone, the wolf scene started to play again: "Ruoyun, do you even care about your own mother\'s life?"

Lin Ruoyun replied indifferently: "The Qin family has a good food and a good place to live, and there are servants to take care of you. I will only cause trouble for you when I come."

Liang Qiu snorted coldly, she had always been impatient with Ruoyun: "Ye Li wants to see you, there is about half an hour before she will be downstairs in your dilapidated house, you should dress up and go shopping with her."

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her forehead, trying her best to suppress the irritability in her heart: "I won\'t go! I\'ll call her and tell her not to come..."

"How dare you!" Liang Qiu shouted hysterically from the other end of the phone: "I have worked so hard to raise you, and you disobey me like this? What\'s the point of my life, I might as well die..."

Lin Ruoyun closed her eyes.

Five seconds later, the servant\'s terrified voice came from the other end of the phone: "Second wife, come down quickly, it\'s dangerous...Miss Lin, Miss Lin, the second wife climbed up the window..."

"Sister-in-law Zhang!" Lin Ruoyun opened her eyes weakly, and sighed softly, "Tell her... I\'ll go shopping with Ye Li."

After Lin Ruoyun hung up the phone, she went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. The range hood was in disrepair for a long time, and the noise was so loud that she couldn\'t hear the sound from the room, and she didn\'t even notice when Guan Yinghan came to her.

"Sister..." Guan Yinghan wrapped her arms around her thin shoulders from behind, put her head on her back, and said in a nasal voice, "Do you want to go out?"

When Ruoyun answered the phone just now, Guan Yinghan was sitting on a low stool and heard her clearly saying that she wanted to go shopping with Qin Yeli.

Regarding Qin Yeli, the president of the Qin Corporation, Guan Yinghan knew of her existence when she was still in Dawan Village.

Later, when she was looking for Ruoyun, she found out that Liang Qiu brought Ruoyun into the Qin family five years ago, and it was Qin Yeli who was taking care of their mother and daughter.

The Qin family\'s social circle regards Ruoyun as Qin Yeli\'s fiancée.

The five blank years between himself and Ruoyun were replaced by Qin Yeli.

An unprecedented sense of crisis swept the whole body.

Guan Yinghan was quickly buried by the sour jealousy, her voice was mixed with the roar of the range hood, broken and distorted: "Sister... don\'t go, okay?"

Lin Ruoyun mistakenly thought that she was afraid.

It\'s understandable when you think about it. Toffee is just a child in her heart and has no sense of security. Especially at night, she will be even more afraid of separation, so it\'s normal not to want her to go.

Lin Ruoyun turned off the range hood, put the food on the table, and told her over and over again tirelessly: "Toffee, sister will go out for a while, eat obediently, and do your homework after eating."

She grabbed the key bag on the table and was about to go downstairs, but she turned back at the exit.

The moment Guan Yinghan\'s gray pupils were turned around, bits and pieces of light ignited again.

However, Ruoyun just came back to get her phone.

But it can be seen that she is still very worried about Toffee, and before leaving, she explained: "If a stranger knocks on the door, you can\'t open it, you know? I have to wait for my sister to come back."

The light in Guan Yinghan\'s eyes gradually went out, her head gradually lowered, and a few words choked out of her throat: "Sister, come back early."


I don\'t know if other children are like this?

And squeamish, and clingy.

They should not be separated for more than an hour, otherwise they would show such a look of being abandoned by the whole world, and no matter how hard-hearted people are, they would be softened.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart softened involuntarily, and she stroked the tip of her hair: "Okay, sister promises you, she will come back soon."