After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 13: Tits A

Lin Ruoyun opened the door suspiciously.

The food on the table was still the same as it was when she left, unmoved.

It turned out that Toffee was hungry and stayed at the window all night, waiting for her to come home.

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart seemed to be put into an airtight glass bottle, stuffy, sour, very uncomfortable.

She called Toffee\'s name and walked in, but got no response.

Lin Ruoyun pushed open the door and saw Guan Yinghan hiding behind the curtains, hugging her knees with her hands, arching herself into a dusty shadow.

So lonely that it makes people sad.

Leaving an Alpha who was only five years old at home alone, the more Lin Ruoyun thought about it, the more she felt wronged.

She walked up to Guan Yinghan with a guilty conscience, regardless of whether her IQ could understand or not, she put the watch in front of her with sincerity.

"My sister said she would come back early. Look, it\'s only been an hour."

The jealousy in Guan Yinghan\'s heart continued to swell, and the knuckles of the hand hanging by his side turned white.

I believe (your ghost).

Am I a fool? Obviously two hours and seven minutes had passed.

I stood at the window looking forward to seeing through, and it was almost like looking at my wife.

Well, I\'m a fool now.

Lin Ruoyun was distressed to find that the little boy she had raised was so temperamental that she couldn\'t be coaxed well with a few simple words.

Lin Ruoyun sighed, sat side by side with Toffee unconsciously, and poked her shoulder with her fingertips: "Toffee..."

no response.

Reach out to ruarua her cheek: "Toffee..."

Still no response.

Lin Ruoyun turned her head and moved closer, forcing her to look at herself: "Are you angry?"

Still no response.

Tsk! This little brat even fell in love with her.

Just when Ruoyun didn\'t know what to do, Guan Yinghan slowly raised her eyes, eyes full of fragility: "Sister, don\'t leave me behind."

For an instant, Lin Ruoyun\'s heart froze, as if being pricked by dense needles, it hurt and sore.

During the days when Toffee and her were together, she was always so cute and obedient, eating whatever she gave, and never making excessive demands.

Lin Ruoyun always thought that giving her food, clothing and warmth, and teaching her how to read and count were the life Toffee wanted.

But until now, she didn\'t realize in a trance—

Toffee has no relatives, no friends, not even memories.

There is only one her in the world of toffee.

But she threw down the toffee and left her alone at home, enduring the fear brought by the night.

Really... so cruel.

Lin Ruoyun reached out her hand hesitantly, and lovingly touched Guan Yinghan\'s head. In the moonlight, her voice was soft and soft: "I\'m sorry, Toffee, my sister promised you that I will take you with me wherever I go in the future, okay?" ?”

Guan Yinghan looked at her steadfastly, her eyes began to flush slightly.

Although Ruoyun\'s memory was destroyed, some deep-rooted actions and habits in her subconscious mind would still be revealed unconsciously.

In the past, if Ruoyun did something wrong to make her angry, she would always rub her head left and right, until she broke into a laugh, and then raised her eyes from her arms, the corners of her eyes drawn into arcs that people couldn\'t bear to blame.

Just like now, the light in his eyes was extraordinarily soft because of guilt.

Also, every time her stepmother ordered her servants to bully her, Ruoyun would treat her as a weak person, and would touch the top of her head with her delicate fingers as she did now, and comfort her softly.

"Guan Guan, don\'t be sad, it doesn\'t matter if they don\'t want you, you still have me, I will love you in the future."

In fact, Ruoyun doesn\'t know how strong her heart is at all, she doesn\'t care about the life and death of those in the Guan family, and she won\'t beg for alms from others, even if it\'s the warmth from the Guan family, she doesn\'t care.

But seeing Ruoyun crying for her, Guan Yinghan felt warm in his heart.

Every time, she would hug Ruoyun with her backhand, and bury her face in her fragrant neck: "You are enough for me!"

Although Ruoyun has forgotten her now and still rejects her pheromones, in her subconscious that she can\'t control—

She is still her Omega.

The only one she loves deeply is Ruoyun.

Guan Yinghan was comforted, her slightly gray eyes lit up instantly, the previous loss was swept away, and she handed the slightly crumpled paper in her arms to Lin Ruoyun as if offering a treasure.

"Sister, I finished my homework."

Lin Ruoyun glanced down, and was surprised to find that she had done everything correctly. Not only that, but she also finished tomorrow\'s homework.

Her little toffee is much better than those brats on the Internet who don\'t do their homework and make their parents explode in anger.

When Lin Ruoyun was proud, she remembered to bring a gift for Toffee.

She pointed to the chocolate on the low table: "Toffee, my reward."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t go to get it, but just stared at her with water-washed black eyes: "Don\'t want this reward."

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her head: "Then what reward does Toffee want?"

Guan Yinghan leaned over and approached her, blinking innocently, her eyes were pure and innocent: "Sister, I want to kiss."

Lin Ruoyun took a deep breath, and reminded herself again of the urgency of instilling AO physiological knowledge into Toffee.

However, before she could show her elder sister\'s mature majesty, Toffee lowered her head in frustration, and the small flames in her eyes quickly extinguished.

"Sister, you said that you can kiss if you behave well."

Lin Ruoyun: "..."


Whoever made himself do something wrong should make up for Toffee\'s injured heart.

Besides, her little toffee looks so good-looking, and a good-looking person will naturally attract people\'s love.

Lin Ruoyun put her hands on Guan Yinghan\'s shoulders weakly, crossed them behind her head, and with a little help, she hooked her neck and sent it in front of her.

Taking advantage of the moonlight outside the window, she fixedly glanced at Toffee twice.

Little Toffee\'s eyes are moist and clear, pure and harmless, like a newborn cub.

Lin Ruoyun said silently three times in her heart: she is still a child, she is just a child, she is a child.

After reading, she slowly moved closer and placed a light kiss on Guan Yinghan\'s forehead.

The warm and smooth taste, Lin Ruoyun was still immersed in this delicate sense, and suddenly felt that the world was spinning before her eyes.

Guan Yinghan\'s dissatisfied complaint came from next to his ear: "Sister, kissing is not like this, I will teach you."