After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1315

Su Nan: "you forgot? It\'s a good horse for nothing. It looks like a horse that can win the championship!"

Shang Qian: "everyone said so at that time, but if you really cultivate such horses from the champion, you don\'t know how many such horses there are.

If I buy it, it won\'t have to worry about winning the championship! "

Su Nan shook his head. "Does this horse know you are so careful?"


Shang Qian spoke with indifference.

Su Nan choked: "then I\'ll start riding. I\'ll talk later? Oh, thank you for your gift. It\'s really great!"

Shang Qian smiled: "just like it."

After he spoiled her, Su Nan hung up the phone.

He shook his head helplessly. After a dull day, his mood finally got better.

An assistant knocked on the door and came in: "Mr. Shang, Mr. Shang, the mayor asked to see you."

Shang Qian paused and his eyes sank slightly.

His emotions gathered and cooled with the naked eye.


"I know what he wants to do. What do you think people will do before they are on the verge of despair?"

This man is his own father.

The assistant is well aware of his complex relationship with the merchant:

"It\'s probably a dying struggle. It\'s better than nothing."

Shang Qian hooked up the corner of his lips, and the bottom of his eyes was cold:


The assistant hesitated for a moment and said:

"Mr. Shang, this is the second time. If you haven\'t seen him, I\'m sure he won\'t turn his attention to country Z or Mike?"

As soon as the assistant finished speaking, Shang Qian\'s eyes shrank in an instant and cooled down with a trace of cruelty.

He clenched his teeth secretly, and there seemed to be a slight crack on his gentle and modest face:

"Let him in."

The assistant nodded, turned and walked out.

Shang Qian didn\'t want to see Shang Qun and appreciate his desperate or pleading attitude.

Whether he was good or bad, Shang Qian didn\'t want to have anything to do with him.

They had no father son affection, but Shang Qian didn\'t have to look at his gaffe.

He is not so vindictive.

Otherwise, he would not have been forced into a desperate situation so many times. He had never really fought back once.

But this time it\'s different.

He touched Su Nan. For the first time, he wanted to get close to a woman. She was like a warm sun. After meeting her, he seemed to be in another world.

The world is tolerant, warm, kind and lovely.

He can\'t let anyone destroy Su Nan.

Therefore, he must deal with the business group here.

The door is opened.

Shang Qun came in wearing a black suit. He looked very sad and dark.

He stared at Shang Qian sitting there with sharp eyes.

His eyes were full of hostility, and there was no hint of softness.

Shang Qian bent his lips and could not see any temperature in his eyes.

He stood up. "Mr. Shang, is this the first time I have come to my office since I left the business?"

No matter what hardships he encountered these years, Shang Qun would not raise his hand to help him.

Similarly, he would not ask him.

Two people are like completely unrelated strangers.

This is undoubtedly a mockery of the business group\'s pursuit of advantages and avoidance of disadvantages.

Shang Qun\'s face darkened.

"You are busier than me. Last time I came here, your assistant said you were not here?"

His mouth was full of resentment.

Shang Qian looked at his assistant and said with a smile, "really not here."

Shang Qun snorted coldly and didn\'t want to tangle about this matter:

"Come on, what do you want? What do you want to do?"

Shang Qian narrowed his eyes slightly.