After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1316

Shang Qian looked up at his assistant.

The assistant nodded and retired in good time, leaving enough space for the two.

Shang Qian started to make tea himself.

The tea is boiling and fragrant.

Shang Qian looked at him for a moment in a trance. Suddenly, he smiled, bowed his head and laughed at himself.

Shang Qun drew a corner:

"What are you laughing at? Do you still want me to kneel down and beg you?"

He refused to bow down to an illegitimate son, especially the one he had given up.

Shang Qian\'s eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at him across the light. His tone was calm and cold:

"I went to country Z and saw countless people. I had doubts for countless times. Why should it be me?"

Shang Qun frowned and stared at him.

Shang Qian\'s tone was very light:

"Why am I your son? Why am I your illegitimate son?"

"Are you still pestering about this?

You were reborn into my son. It\'s already Jide. As soon as your mother died, I took you to the store and gave you an identity so that you could have enough food and clothing. What else do you want? "

Shang Qun sneered and disdained.

Shang Qian lowered his eyes, with some desolation and envy in his tone:

"No, because I\'m unlucky, that\'s it."

Shang Qun was so angry that he almost slapped the table.

Shang Qian\'s voice is still unassuming:

"I have never envied others before. I always feel that gain and loss is a balance.

But I went to country Z and began to envy others. "

"Who is it?" The merchants groaned.

"Su family."

Shang Qun suddenly became sour, bowed his head, and soon covered up his mood.

"What did you say?"

Shang Qun is very sensitive to the Su family. He can\'t forget what Su Nan did to the business, or the look of Su Nan standing in front of him when he returned to country M.

He has a feeling that his self-esteem has been crushed!

A little girl film can make him feel flustered. He doesn\'t want to admit that this little girl is much better than Shang.

Shang Qian raised his head and looked at him with eyes. His tone remained unchanged and his voice was very weak:

"None of the Su family\'s four children are selfish and strive for fame and fortune. They all shine in their own fields. This is what a normal family should look like.

But not in the business. The son is not the son, and the nephew is not the nephew. It\'s ridiculous! "

Shang Qun\'s eyes sank and his face became cold.

The last words were nothing more than slapping him in the face.

"Don\'t you just envy that the merchants have more than you get? In theory, even if there are no merchants, the merchants will also be merchants without your share!"

He spoke viciously and refused to give advice in front of an illegitimate son.

Shang Qian\'s face sank and his hands tightened.

"Do you think how rare I am about businessmen? Businessmen are not as skilled as people, so they try to kill me, Mike and neem again and again.

He deserves it because he asked for it! "

Shang Qun\'s face was ugly. He sat there and looked at him funny:

"So you helped Sunan get even with us? Have you been looking forward to this opportunity for a long time?

Shang Qian, I tell you, if I really connived at Shang and killed you and Mike, do you think you can live on with your original ability? "

He chuckled, "because I let you go, let you go, you can have today!"

Shang Qian\'s eyes were cold and his pupils were scarlet:

"So, what did Mike and I do wrong? We have to thank you for not killing me?"

His voice sank to a deadly cold.