After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1314

With Cheng Yi\'s roar, the three people couldn\'t talk anymore.

They followed and picked a horse. They were very satisfied.

Su Nan, in particular, fell in love with a light brown pure blood horse.

The administrator at one side moved the horse out for her to look at carefully. She was very beautiful all over.

The whole body is smooth and beautiful, the neck is slender, and the body shape is like a work of art.

It\'s amazing!

"Miss Su, this is a thoroughbred horse specially sent by the general manager of Commerce. From here to the last three generations, it is very pure.

This horse also participated in the national race when it was young and won the championship. It has always been regarded as the best horse race seed. "

No wonder!

Su Nan was secretly amazed. The horse looked different. It looked noble and unattainable.

"That\'s it. Is he gentle?"

"Don\'t worry. Although it\'s naughty, it\'s not irritable."

Su Nan nodded. "I\'ll change my clothes first."

She didn\'t change her clothes in advance, which was obviously not a good fit.

The attendant: "I\'ll take you there. The dressing room is here..."


Su Nan changed her clothes and came out, watching several people on the field ride happily.

Su Qi picked an Arabian horse and was very active on the field.

The horse seemed to be deliberately fighting against Su Qi. It bumped up and down all the time, and Su Qi became angry and began to swear

Cheng Yi and Qin Yu burst out laughing. The horses they rode on were docile and a few meters away from Su Qi. They were afraid of hurting themselves by mistake.

Ning Zhi watched on his horse. He was anxious and wanted to laugh.

Su Nan smiled and suddenly the administrator handed her cell phone:

"Miss Su, your mobile phone?"

Su Nan answered, "thank you."

She glanced at Shang Qian, then changed to a video call and picked it up.

Su Nan\'s eyes bent with laughter. Facing the sunlight, her skin was bright and white

"Mr. Shang, guess where I am now?"

Shang Qian looked at the joy of her smile and was stunned. Then he laughed.

He didn\'t even have to guess. Looking at the scenery behind her, he deliberately delayed for a few seconds and sold it:

"Are you on business again?"

Su Nan gave him a white look and lifted his hair:

"Have you ever seen anyone so happy on business?"

She couldn\'t help but bend the corners of her mouth, turned the video back, and let him look at several people in the field:

"It\'s a horse farm. We play here!"

Shang Qian smiled. His laughter was loud and deep. It sounded a lot easier.

Originally, she was still in a foreign country, and some worried that she would be too concerned about Shang\'s movements, and her body would not be able to carry them.

But now, it seems that I am a little worried.

"Which horse did you pick?"

Su Nan excitedly points the camera to the horse beside her. The administrator is holding it for her to check the equipment.

"This horse is so beautiful that I fell in love with it at the first sight. It\'s great!"

Across the screen, Shang Qian could feel the excitement and excitement in Su Nan\'s words.

It seems that this gift is too valuable, isn\'t it?

"He has a good eye. I took a fancy to this horse a year ago. At that time, he was particularly excellent among the horses of his age. He bought it secretly at that time."

Su Nan was shocked for a moment. "A year ago?"

Shang Qian nodded and was happy to share his past experiences with her:

"But I forgot later. Last time you mentioned riding, I remembered that there were horses left in someone else\'s house. Recently, I asked for them immediately. Fortunately, they were well kept!"