After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1311

Fu YeChuan recognized at a glance that the bag was something he had left at Su\'s house.

Su Nan gave him a "thank you gift".

"Mr. Fu, Mr. Su asked me to send this thing to you. She thanked you very much for your generous help, but she couldn\'t find a better way to thank you.

Please, be sure to take it. "

Fuyechuan stared at the file bag coldly and said in a condensed tone:

"Why can\'t she find a better way? She just doesn\'t want to make me happy!"

Yu Lou\'s neck shrank and he didn\'t dare to talk.

Neither of them can explain their feelings clearly.

Maybe fuyechuan\'s heart for Su Nan is true, and he really regrets his divorce, but Su Nan didn\'t stay where she was and mourn for her failed relationship.

Su Nan and Shang Qian are now in sweet love.

It seems that fuyechuan is also very poor.

There was a moment of silence.

Fuyechuan glanced at him. "Is she better?"

Yu Lou immediately replied:

"Yes, it\'s much better than before, but there are still shadows in the lungs. It needs to be observed for a while."

Fuyechuan frowned, his face still cold.

"Take it back and tell her I don\'t need it."

Yu Lou pursed his lips and then coughed:

"Mr. Fu and Mr. Su said that if you insist on not having this, there is another one, you can choose at will."

Fuyechuan raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Are you ready?"

Yu Lou smiled and nodded, then carefully took out Su Nan\'s signed cheque from his pocket.

Pass it.

He raised his eyes and watched fuyechuan\'s face turn black.

It\'s a rare sight.

Yu Lou\'s Ninja smiled. "Mr. Su said, you can write the numbers at will."

Fuyechuan stared at the check with a calm face for more than ten seconds.

I\'m really going to be laughed at.

Su Nan is really capable of killing him.

Suddenly, he kicked his foot on the table beside him with a violent voice.

Yu Lou stood motionless aside.

Fortunately, Su Jin and fuyechuan are the same people. Neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp.

He had enough experience when he followed Su Jin, so he could deal with fuyechuan with ease.

He could not help thinking that Su Nan was the best!

Fuyechuan vented his anger and looked at Yu Lou coldly:

"And she paid me off?"

Does he look like a man short of money?

This is really the biggest insult to the president of Fourier group!

Yu Lou clenched his fist and hurriedly said:

"No, Mr. Su knows you are not short of money, but she would prefer you to take the things in this document.

In any case, it\'s not bad to have a foot in front of the door.

Mr. Fu, you should send a favor to Mr. Su and accept this document. This is the foundation of the cooperation between the two groups! "

Yu Lou urgently transfers Su Nan and his private affairs to official affairs.

Fuyechuan\'s face softened.

The explanation still works.

"Mr. Fu, if you don\'t take this, I can only find someone to sell it. If you buy it from him, the price has increased by hundreds of millions. The gain is not worth the loss. So does Mr. Su.

It\'s all our own business. Why spend money on outsiders? "

Yu Lou opened his mouth with a smile.

Fuyechuan glanced at him and hissed coldly.

The anger in his eyes has disappeared.

Yu Lou\'s words reached his heart.

Our own affairs

Yu Lou watched his mood change and asked tentatively:

"Mr. Fu, I\'m leaving now?"