After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1310

The prerequisite for Su Jin not to take the initiative to dismiss him is that he takes the initiative to apply to the procurement department.

It seems that the company has moved to a fat position, but everyone in the company knows that the procurement department is equivalent to logistics and has no power.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Chen Jian\'s face turned from white to red, and he was about to lose his tension.

Su Jin lowered his eyebrows and took his mobile phone to deal with things. He was in no mood, waiting for him to consider on the spot.

It seems that he has made up his mind that Chen Jian will not refuse this request.

After more than ten seconds, chenjiancai said nervously:

"Well, I\'ll take the initiative to apply."

Su Jin gave a faint reply, lifted his eyelids and looked at him.

Next, with some warning:

"I\'ll tell Su Nan. Manager Chen doesn\'t have to take the initiative to tell her. Su Nan came here and hasn\'t recovered. These things don\'t need to go through her."

Chen Jian\'s face changed and he nodded, "yes."

This is to tell him not to ask Su Nan for mercy.

Cut off his last road.

When Chen Jian left, sujincai picked up the phone and called Su Nan:

"I have already told Chen Jian to go back and let him stay in the purchasing department to provide for the aged."

Su Nan was also shocked. "Chen Jian agreed?"

"Well, there\'s no room for him to object. I\'ve been tossing about a project like this. I didn\'t settle accounts with him. It\'s already very good."

Su Jin\'s tone was full of alienation and indifference.

Su Nan paused. "OK, it\'s OK to go there. The project in s city is temporarily taken over by the vice president of the project department."

"Yes, that\'s it."

Su Jin said that and directly hung up the phone to order the company to issue a temporary task notice.

He never worried that Su Nan would object. She was even more urgent than him to do so.

As soon as the press conference is over, it means that things are officially on the right track.

Su Nan can concentrate on dealing with the old fox in the business group.


Fourier group.

Chen Mian watched Yu Lou appear in front of him. It was still incredible.

Recently, it seems that anyone who is close to Su Nan can\'t wait to walk around fuyechuan.

How could someone even come to the door?

Yu Lou smiled politely and reminded him carefully:

"What are you waiting for? Assistant Chen, ask Mr. Fu if he has time to see me?"

Chen Mian paused for a moment, then said:

"OK, but... Will Miss Su come?"

He asked cautiously.

If Su Nan came, he wouldn\'t even ask. He just let them in.

He is such a dog!

Yu Lou: "no, she didn\'t come, so she let me come."

Chen Mian looked stunned. "Just a moment, I\'ll ask."

With that, he knocked on the door and went to fuyechuan\'s office.

The atmosphere in fuyechuan\'s office was so cold that there were no fish in the fish tank not far away.

Wu Tutu, a useless dog, was sent to the Bank of the Seine River by fuyechuan to enjoy the scenery of the Seine River.

Therefore, ordinary people dare not come to his office easily.

"Mr. Fu, Miss Su\'s assistant, Yu Lou, came to ask if you have time. He said there was something important."

Fuyechuan pursed his lips and frowned slightly. After a few seconds of hesitation, he began:

"Let him in."

As expected.

Chen Mian took Yu Lou in and withdrew himself.

Yu Lou stood there and gently put the file bag in his hand on fuyechuan\'s desk.

Fuyechuan looks at some familiar file bags in front of him, and his pupils shrink slightly.