After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1312

Fuyechuan\'s eyes were dark. He glanced at him and said, "go away..."

He said, picked up the check and tore it off in front of his eyes.

This check is really a disgrace to fuyechuan\'s dignity.

After half a second, Yu loudun turned away without hesitation.

If he doesn\'t go, Mr. Fu will repent!

As soon as he went out, he immediately called Su Nan to report the progress:

"Mr. Su, it\'s done!"

Didn\'t say much.

Su Nan smiled: "OK, go back."

Yu Lou breathed a sigh of relief, then got on the bus and left.

In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly, and the breeze was blowing on the treetops with the only warmth of this spring.

At the urging of Shang Qian, Su Nan made several friends and went to the address he gave.

Ning Zhihe went directly to Qin Yu.

Cheng Yi makes a detour and drives the car to pick her up.

The Chamberlain uncle didn\'t trust her, so she left. Although Chang Li followed, he still suffered too little.

However, Su Yifeng was open-minded. "Go ahead. If you stay at home all day, you will be bored. It\'s better to go and relax."

Su Nan happily changes into a casual dress, and takes Su Qi, who has no choice but to go, and gets on Cheng Yi\'s car together.

Cheng Yi looks at her smiling face and immediately smiles:

"Xiao Wu, I thought your family lost hundreds of millions in the project in s city. You will lose weight without thinking about food. Unexpectedly, you are fat?"


The car was silent.

Su Qi looks at Cheng Yi who is trying to kill himself in shock.

I haven\'t seen him for a few days. He is close to death

Su Nan\'s smile stiffened on her face and slowly converged.

Her eyes stared at Cheng Yi with a cool tone:

"It\'s said that Zhouyan, the daughter of Zhou Tonghui, is still loyal to you. She looks for people everywhere to meet you by chance. It seems that I should help."

Cheng Yi\'s mood for watching a good play was instantly swept away, and he was almost depressed.

"Su Xiaowu, you are so cruel. I just forgot this and came out to play with you."

Su Nan stroked her hair and snorted casually:

"It\'s not too late to leave now. You\'re trying to kill yourself!"

Cheng Yi knows that he can\'t beat him and chooses to shut up.

After watching the normal play, Su Qi sat and laughed:

"I heard that Zhou Yan has divorced. I haven\'t seen her. How does she look? If she looks too good..."

Before he finished, Cheng Yi interrupted:

"Here you are. Do you want it? Even if she becomes an immortal, I don\'t want it!"

Cheng Yi is so excited that he doesn\'t even want to mention it.

Su Nan glanced at Su Qi. "Don\'t recruit him. He\'s driving!"

Su Qi raised his hand and surrendered. "OK, Cheng Er Shao, don\'t get excited and drive well."

He patted Cheng Yi on the shoulder to comfort him.

Here we are.

There are open spaces everywhere, and not far away is a long abandoned park.

But according to the address, there is an iron fence door ahead. I don\'t know what it is in the high wall?

Su Nan was curious. She took off her sunglasses and looked around.

Su Qi tutted, "so it\'s here?"

He seems to know what this place used to do?

Before she asked for the exit, the door had been opened.

"Miss Su, Miss Ning and Miss Qin have come in, please..."

They can drive in.

Su Nan gets off.

Qin Yu and Ning knew that they had changed their clothes and were sitting on the massage chair in the shade, enjoying the massage