After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1300

The response of the Shang Group was tantamount to throwing salt on the wounds of those investors who were about to go bankrupt.

As a result, the reputation of the Shang Group suddenly fell to the bottom, and everyone simply spit.

As soon as Shang Qun came back, he was faced with such a big mess. He was so angry.

After reading the latest progress report, Shang Qian snorted and threw it on the table with a indifferent expression:

"I gave them a chance. As long as they spit out the money in time and don\'t look so ugly, they won\'t be able to get there."

As everyone knows, those are investors who have been rolling in the stock market all the year round. They have no career and make money by relying on the rise of the stock market.

It\'s really hard to pull a layer of skin off them.

But the Shang Group not only did it, but also bit the skin tightly in its mouth, showing off and publicizing. Can it not seek death?

The assistant smiled calmly:

"On the surface, Shang\'s group seems to have boundless scenery, but the talents behind it have long been poached, and several senior executives are greedy for more. Sooner or later, problems will be exposed.

Now they have just encountered a little trouble. They have no strength to fight back. They have not solved it for a long time.

It can be seen that the company is already in a mess, and there is no solution at all, so that people can go with a whip.

The funny thing is that when a huge pie fell on their heads, they not only had no sense of crisis, but also wanted to swallow it alone and were complacent.

Over the years, if you hadn\'t been too lazy to do it, the whole Shang Group would have lost all its trousers in the stock market. "

Shang Qian looked cold and looked at the time.

"When the business group comes back, it will take countermeasures. It is different from the waste merchant. We should respond in time."

The assistant paused and said:

"Mr. Shang, I\'m afraid... It won\'t help even if Mr. Shang returns to preside over the overall situation."

Shang Qian raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Assistant lips:

"You asked me to keep an eye on the trend of Shang Group, but I can\'t interfere.

A few days ago, I didn\'t hear any rumors, but... This morning, I saw that the vice president in charge of the Shang Group privately contacted a rich businessman in Z.

I have reconfirmed the shareholding of Shang Group...... "

The assistant paused and glanced at Shang Qian. Shang Qian pursed his lips, raised his eyebrows and looked at him:

"In addition to the 39.5% of the shares of Shang Group in the hands of Shang Qun and Shang Yi, the other 6% are in the hands of small shareholders, and the nearly 54% shares of several other major shareholders are no longer in their own hands."

Shang Qian\'s eyes shrunk slightly, "what did you say?"

His expression was obviously a little surprised.

The assistant hesitated:

"The whereabouts of the shares are unknown, but what is certain is that these shares have all flowed into the hands of one person. They are not the rich businessmen Mr. Shang and Mr. Fu met today. They are probably the power of state Z."

Shang Qian\'s eyebrows twisted slightly, as if he were thinking about something.

The assistant almost said that what he suspected was that Su Nan had secretly taken it away.

Just no evidence.

It was not easy for him to get this news. If it hadn\'t been for some of the shareholders who supported Shang Qian, they would have let him take advantage of it.

I\'m afraid this news will not be known until the real equity change.

At that time, it was already late.

However, it is really shocking that the shares of Shang Group have always been a sweet pastry in the eyes of others. Although those shareholders do not act, they also want to sit in their original position and eat their old money.