After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1301

Those shareholders, they will not easily sell their shares.

However, it is unexpected that Su Nan collected 54% of the shares in just a few days and occupied the largest equity of Shang Group.

But now, no one knows that the owners of the Shang Group are about to change.

Shang Qian\'s eyes were cold and gloomy, sitting there looking out the window.

The assistant coughed and couldn\'t help reminding:

"Mr. Shang, perhaps there are too many people offended by the business, so I can\'t see it anymore."

Shang Qian was silent for a few seconds and suddenly said:

"Is fuyechuan still in state m?"

Assistant: "Mr. Fu has acquired the largest old automobile brand in country m, and the capital of Party Z has been injected into country m, which is unique in the automobile history of country M.

He has also been busy recently. Country m has given him a lot of difficulties in his acquisition, so he has not been able to distract himself from the business of Shang Group.

However... Some overseas Chinese groups in country m supported his acquisition very much, so as soon as the acquisition was completed, he left country m by private plane. "

"Gone?" Asked Shang Qian.


Shang Qian was dissatisfied.

He came and Fu YeChuan left.

Who knows if Fu YeChuan will harass Su Nan?

His attention was drawn to the matter.

Immediately began to feel restless.

After following him for so many years, the assistant noticed his emotional changes and was somewhat surprised.

Shang Qian has always been very stable. No matter how big a storm happens outside, he stands here in a warm voice and rarely sees his emotions leaking out.

Therefore, looking at the mood swings on his face, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable

Is it because of Miss Su in country Z?

Before he could react, Shang Qian picked up his cell phone and said, "I\'ll make a call."

The assistant nodded at once and left his office subconsciously.

He closed the door and shook his head in doubt.

By all means.

Su Zhai.

When Su Nan answered the phone, the housekeeper came and knocked at the door:

"Miss, Mr. Fu is here..."

Shang Qian, who was on the phone, had just heard this sentence, and his face immediately became tense.

"Su Nan..."

Su Nan answered, raised her head and looked at Fu YeChuan who had already walked to the door.

"Shang Qian, I\'ll call you back. There\'s something here. Goodbye?"

Shang Qian bit his teeth and said calmly, "goodbye.".

As soon as he hung up the phone, he was not calm.

He shouldn\'t return to m country so hastily!


Su Nan put down her hand, took a document from one side and went down.

In the living room.

Su Qi was stunned when he saw Fu YeChuan and smiled:

"Mr. Fu, it\'s too far to welcome your presence."

Fuyechuan pursed his lips and went to m country for a whole month. When he came back, he didn\'t even go to his own company, so he came to Su house.

He wanted to see Su Nan for the first time.

He was not so angry with Su Qi for his strange tone.

He smiled. "Third brother, I haven\'t seen you for a long time. I heard that you are studying drama performance in Europe. I look forward to your new achievements."

Su Qi: "...."

Well, the first time I saw such a serious Fu YeChuan, it seemed that he had punched the cotton and asked for nothing.

He pulled his lip and glanced upstairs.

"Xiao Wu, I\'m looking for you?"

Su Nan came down in slippers, looking hurried.

She solemnly handed the document to fuyechuan, "Mr. Fu, thank you for your help."

Fuyechuan smiled and looked at her reluctantly for several times.

"I should help you."

Su Nan handed the document forward, and fuyechuan frowned in bewilderment:

"What is this?"

"Check, do you want it?"