After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1299

Shang Qun is careless. He hasn\'t found it yet?

Shang Qian smiled. "I know you may not want to see me. I specially changed from first class to business class to avoid everyone meeting."

Shang Qun snorted coldly, "you really can do this for that woman. OK, let me see how long you can last?"

Shang Qun looked down at his watch and said calmly:

"Mr. Shang, I have calculated an account for you. Up to now, Shang Group has not made any response to the stock market. Shang\'s stock has fallen again and again, and is almost out of the line.

Every minute you delay here, you will have to pay a sunk cost of $10 million. "

His understatement led to a smile:

"By the way, my major is in this field. If you need help, please contact my assistant to make an appointment. Although I will still refuse you, I don\'t mind giving you a hint."

Shang Qun was shocked by his short words, and his face became extremely ugly:

"Shang Qian, to tell you the truth, did you do this?"

Shang Qian: "why do you say that so harshly? Of course I will protect those who have moved me."

The corner of Shang Qun\'s eye gave a sharp blow.

He just admitted it.

Open and aboveboard, calm and straightforward.

Shang Qian smiled, his mouth full of coldness.

Shang Qun was gnashing his teeth: "you did it to your family for a woman, white eyed wolf. I really underestimated you!"

"My own family? Business directors and business people are a family. I have been an unwelcome outsider from beginning to end.

Don\'t say so grandiosely, as if you had made great contributions to my growth? "

Shang Qian deceived himself and others with a smile. When he looked up again, his eyes were somewhat gloomy:

"I am waiting for the counterattack of the commercial director. If I am helpless, I will call me. I am ready to accept your surrender. Of course, I ask you to be clear."

With that, Shang Qian watched his driver drive to the front.

He lifted his feet straight away and stooped into the car.

Although part of his career has been in country Z, some cannot be transferred, and he has always occupied a place on Wall Street.

Everyone knows that Shang Qian has come back. Those who were ready to stir up when he was away have been honest all of a sudden.

The assistant is waiting for him in the company.

"Mr. Shang, according to your instructions, although we lost money, we all looked at the Shang Group, but we were surprised that the response made by the Shang Group was a little... Too naive."

Their first reaction was neither indifference nor justification.

The vice president of Shang Group did two things.

The first thing was to bribe the politicians of country m to speak for the Shang Group.

There are really fools who listen to them and come out to appease the intense emotions of those investors.

However, the effect did not meet the expectation. Instead, it implicated the politician, linked up a series of insider trading of power and money, and staged another wonderful play with great vigour.

The second thing is to make a statement in the name of Shang Group, telling them the risk of stock market turbulence. All investors should calm down, actively take risks and face all hardships.

As soon as the announcement was made, the group of highly emotional investors almost didn\'t rush into the building of Shang Group with guns.

It\'s really a posture of standing and talking without backache.

Because the biggest winner in this turmoil is Shang Group.

So their statement is also taken for granted. Put it down gently