After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1298

Su Nan looked up at him. Shang Qian just smiled and walked up to the boarding gate.

Seeing his back disappear, Su Nan thought silently.

It\'s already started. It\'s impossible to stop halfway.

This matter must have a result.

After sorting out her thoughts, her face instantly returned to cool and calm.

come back.

I saw Fu Qiu standing there.

The two men looked at each other, and Fu Qiu\'s eyes obviously hid for a while.

Su Nan said, "Miss Fu, if you really want to follow me, I don\'t think you can\'t help me."

Fu Qiu had a meal.

Suddenly, his face was embarrassed and he wanted to find a way to drill in.

She understood the meaning of Su Nan\'s words very well.

No matter how much she missed Shang Qian, it was impossible for her to follow on the plane after seeing him and Su Nan kissing me.

It looks like I can\'t wait.

"No, I\'m here to see you off."

She bit her lower lip and turned to leave.

But Su Nan\'s bodyguard quickly blocked her way.

Su Nan walked slowly and squinted.

"The reporter has confessed."

After Su Nan said this, Fu Qiu panicked.

"What do you admit? What does it have to do with me? I don\'t know any reporters at all?"


Fu Qiu stubbornly denied:

"Of course, if you have the ability to show evidence, otherwise it will be slander!"

She made up her mind that even if the reporter involved her, there would be no substantive evidence.

At that time, she is still confident.

Su Nan looked at her and smiled.

"I didn\'t say you were the one he confessed to. Why is Miss Fu nervous?"

Fu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief and his face improved.

However, the next second, Su Nan said:

"What he confessed was the boss of your internship company. Tut, it seems that his surname is Zhao. President Zhao confessed you."

It was like a stone chosen above her head, completely hitting her head.

She is a little dizzy.

His face changed a few times.

"No... no way!"

Even if the man surnamed Zhao knew it, he could not have bitten her out.

He knew that the Fu family was behind him.

Su Nan smiled. "I heard that Fu YeChuan called him directly and told him to tell the truth... Let the police do the rest."

Seeing that Fu Qiu\'s face had faded, he could not see any light in his eyes.

She gave the bodyguard a look, and the bodyguard immediately understood.

Su Nan left the airport in high heels.

The bodyguard sent Fu Qiu to the police station, but he didn\'t even have a chance to run away.

Before the evening, Fu Qiu confessed everything, faster than expected.

She knew very well that she had no way out since Su Nan had told Fu YeChuan about it.

Fu YeChuan doesn\'t even protect Fu Yingying, not to mention her relatives who can\'t beat her?

Mr. Liang didn\'t do much. He just sent a message to her to stop the loss in time.

What is a timely stop loss?

Just don\'t gamble your whole life, you will only lose miserably.

In addition, the Liang family didn\'t have any intention.


When Shang Qian got off the plane, he sent a message to Su Nan to say that he was safe.

When he left the airport, he just met the same business group at the gate.

Shang Qun was surprised to see him, and his face became a little ugly.

"Why are you here?"

In first class, he was only concerned with anger and resentment, and then he was thinking about what to do next.

But unexpectedly, Shang Qian returned to m country with him?