After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1292

But when I saw Shang Qian\'s page, it was empty. There was no message or phone!

Something\'s wrong.

Su Nan frowned. This could not have happened before.

Maybe he just went back and delayed a lot of work, but he hasn\'t finished yet?

After taking a bath, she thought for a while. She didn\'t know who he was.

Or decided to send him a text message to say hello:

"I\'m going to bed. Good night!"

Before he closed his eyes, Shang Qian replied: "good night, I wish you a dream!"

Su Nan looked at this reply for a long time, and her mood gradually calmed down.

Turn off your cell phone and go to sleep.

Early the next morning, Su Nan called Yu Lou.

When she came back, Yu Lou naturally followed her.

Yu Lou found the materials of Shang Group and sent them to Yu Lou. They are all up-to-date and have no details.

He has followed Su Nan to his study since.

The Chamberlain uncle still wants to send snacks, but Su Yifeng stops him.

The housekeeper is very disappointed:

"When the eldest lady used to do her homework, she liked to eat my snacks..."

Suyifeng: "this is an exam, not an ordinary assignment!"

"Well, I\'ll give it to the third young master."


In the study.

Su Nan clicked on the three computers in front of her. The stock trend chart on the computer screen was very complex, but she didn\'t feel stage fright at all.

Yu Lou made several plans and handed them to her:

"Mr. Su, this is the largest field in the Shang Group Industry at present. Medicine has always been the forefront and the most promising."

Su Nan took it over and looked at it. Their group has the best trader control, and their stock performance is very excellent.

The ups and downs are very regular. Laymen can\'t see them, but experts can see them at a glance.

It\'s no wonder that an old hand in cutting leeks can make a lot of money.

Su Nan stared for more than ten minutes before squinting and calculating the time from the middle.

"Generally, there will be a cycle of one to two years, but now we can\'t wait that long.

One week later, it will be a relatively important festival in country m, and medicine is indispensable. It will certainly rise, and their situation will certainly rise.

Just a week later, the news that the dealers are paralyzed is spread everywhere, and their stocks will be green and flustered... "

It is a firm fact that Shang is also the successor of Shang Group.

If he suddenly becomes paralyzed, it will cause quite a stir.

Not to mention how unbearable the reason for his paralysis is, Shang\'s group has no leader, which will only make people have a sense of mistrust and anxiety about the future of the group.

This is the reason why these large groups are desperately trying to maintain their own image.

Because the slightest negative impact will produce a series of chain reactions.

Yu Lou nodded and paused:

"Mr. Su, after all, Shang is always an expert, and Shang is the one he knows best. Shall we ask his opinion?"

Su Nan glanced at him in a very light tone:

"After all, there is still a blood relationship. Don\'t let the Su family mix with the business."

Whether he likes it or not, it is difficult for him to put his identity there.

Yu Lou nodded silently.

The two men stayed upstairs for more than two hours. Yu hurried downstairs and went to the company to make preparations.

Su Nan stayed for a while, then slowly opened the door and went out.

Suxiaohu walked around the door and watched her come out and rub her feet.

Su Nan bent down and picked it up. "Are you too excited to see Shen silent?"

Suxiaohu was covered with the hair: "no, no!"