After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1293

Every hair of suxiaohu is full of rejection.

It doesn\'t want to be silent at all!

Su Nan smiled, hooked her lips and walked down.

It happened that the telephone below rang.

Su Nan just went down and picked up:

"Hello, who?"

The other party was silent for a few seconds before he spoke in a dignified tone:

"Miss Su, long time no see."

Su Nan paused and smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth. The bottom of her eyes was cold:

"Chairman of the board of directors?"

"It\'s me, Miss Su. Are you feeling better?"

In the words, there is some deep meaning.

Su Nan recognized it.

Is he hoping to die soon?

She smiled. "Thanks to you, I\'m much better. I can live for decades more..."

Shang Qun was silent for a few seconds.

I was angry.

"Young man, don\'t be too crazy. Your father hasn\'t taught you how to make trouble everywhere by virtue of his family background. Do you want to be a man with your tail between your legs when you go out?"

His voice was hoarse and low, repressing his cold mood, and his slow voice was threatening.

Su Nan sneered, her voice very calm:

"My father taught me that if anyone dared to touch my finger, he would punish him to death!

Ah... Chairman Shang, I\'m afraid you haven\'t taught your son Shang to be a good person? "

In a word, the phone was silent for a full minute.

The tone of Shang Qun is dignified and cold. You can feel the danger in his tone across the phone:

"What did you just say?"

"Shall I repeat it?"

Shang Qun\'s voice is so cold:

"Who told you that? Shang Qian?"

Su Nan: "guess if Shang also took the initiative to tell me something worth showing off?"

Even if Shang Qun doesn\'t believe it, Su Nan doesn\'t want to involve Shang Qian.

So she\'s looking away.

"He? He doesn\'t even know..."

The voice of the merchant group stopped immediately.

There is too much information exposed in this sentence.

There is no need to tell Su Nan so much.

Accidentally, I fell into the trap of this little girl.

"I tell you, even if you tell me what you know, no one will believe it. If you want to blackmail me, there is no way."

The tone of Shang Qun is full of warning.

Su Nan sneered:

"Didn\'t Mr. Shang come to blackmail me? Why did I blackmail you?"

Before waiting for the reply from the business group, Su Nan hooked her lips and spoke directly:

"I\'m not a gossip reporter. I\'m not interested in this.

However, I think that such a thing as the collapse of business may even become explosive news. "

Shang Qun\'s face changed slightly, his eyes were completely cold, his jaw was tight, and the veins on his forehead rose.

On the phone, Su Nan\'s voice was clear and cold, with the meaning of watching a good play:

"Do you know why I didn\'t kill him completely? I just want to see him lose everything he has with his eyes open. What doesn\'t belong to him has been occupied by him for too long, and it should be returned to others."

Shang Qun\'s face was gloomy. Su Nan hung up before he could speak.

She stood there slightly pondering, her eyes cold and fierce for a few minutes.

Then she took out her cell phone.

"Chang Li, go and help me with something..."

The next few days.

Su Nan basically walked around the study. Occasionally, when she had to go out, several bodyguards followed her closely.

Even Su Qi didn\'t know Su Nan\'s journey.

Shang Qian came here several times, but he threw himself into the air.

He will receive several replies to his text messages, but the phone is basically impassable