After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1291

Su Nan nodded.

Su Jin frowns:

"He\'s here. We haven\'t heard from him at all."

Sunan: "it\'s not just us. Fuyechuan doesn\'t know it in state m. It\'s under his nose. The power of the business group can\'t be underestimated. His people set the fire."

Su Jin\'s face sank cold for a few minutes, and his eyes were cold.

"He already knows that he came here on purpose to find you. He wanted to cause an accident when you were not prepared, but he didn\'t expect you to run away..."

Su Nan nodded. For a moment, everyone\'s heart was heavy.

She is not afraid of future panic.

But always hanging on the head of a knife, how to think how awkward.

This matter should be settled as soon as possible.

Silence for a few seconds.

No one spoke.

Su Jin took the lead in breaking the silence: "I\'ll ask Chang Li to follow you right away."

Su Yifeng nodded to show his approval.

Su Nan smiled, but it didn\'t matter.

But with Chang Li, she was more at ease.

"Brother, you can rest assured to deal with the project problems in s city. The quality inspection can almost start the second phase of the project. There is no need to delay too long and the loss is too great.

Now the public opinion in the media should be under control. After all, so many people will not believe that I am a drill when they see me being kidnapped and threatened? "

Su Jin sneered: "don\'t worry. Almost all the Internet sympathizes with you. No one believes that there is something wrong with our things. The owners who made trouble have stopped.

Yesterday, the quality inspector came over and asked me whether I should continue the quality inspection. They suggested that I should just do it. After all, the delay was too long. It was the most uneconomical for them. "

Su Nan raised her eyebrows. That\'s good.

"I\'ll take care of the business here and the business group."

Su Jin looked up lightly. "Do you have a way?"

Su Nan smiled, "of course."

"OK, you can do it. If you need help, just say it."

Su Nan nodded.

Several people chatted again and hung up the video.

Su Nan stretched out and planned to get up and go upstairs to sleep.

Suyifeng stops her:

"I am also involved in the company\'s affairs. The most important thing for you now is to rest. Don\'t worry about the business group."

Su Nan smiled and lowered her eyes:

"Dad, you should believe that I can solve this problem. You can always believe in me."

Her smile seems harmless, but she is not a child of several years old.

There is a bit of edge hidden in the smile, and he should be very clear as a father.

He loved what had happened to her, but he was sure of her ability.

Now, what she is facing is not those complicated struggles in the market, but something more dangerous than the commercial struggle.

But for her, it was not a bolt from the blue.

Su Yifeng paused and watched her step up the stairs lightly.

Suxiaohu didn\'t know where he was coming from, so he fell down to Su Yifeng\'s arms and rubbed.

Su Yifeng touched it and sighed:

"I always want to make her a little princess who doesn\'t know the world, but her excellence is a little too much, isn\'t it?"

Suxiaohu agreed with him and shook his tail in his arms.

I agree with this view very much.

Su Qi, who played the game and pretended to be dead, cut and was ignored.

Su Nan looked at her mobile phone. Apart from Qin Yu and Ning, they knew that the messages they sent with Cheng Yi were fuyechuan\'s messages.

Fuyechuan simply asked her how she was doing, but Su Nan didn\'t plan to reply.

He has been talking to himself for a long time.

Su Nan plans to pull him black when he can\'t bear it.