After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1222

When Shang Qian said these words, it should be a very tragic experience for him to truthfully state.

However, such a calm attitude was unexpected.

Su Nan looked at him painfully.

Yes, in her private heart, she still keeps the business at the door of the business, like throwing a piece of garbage. Even those who want to tell the business are incompetent.

She wanted to take a breath for herself.

More want to speak for Shang Qian.

Why should such a good person be abandoned by them as my shoes?

Su Jin\'s eyebrows and eyes drooped heavily, his thin lips pursed tightly, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

Su Yifeng reacted very quickly. He looked at him sympathetically. This time it was heartfelt pain.

"I just wronged you, Shang Qian. They will find us, but they can\'t reach here. Su Jin is in the store. Don\'t worry.

Privately, I will send someone to be more careful for Su Nan\'s safety.

They will certainly retaliate against you if they have only implicated you... "

After all, most of the people who went there were Shang Qian.

Shang Qian had no chance to get rid of it.

It is hard to guarantee that businesses will not go crazy and do anything for the sake of businesses.

Shang Qian smiled, very calm.

"Don\'t worry, Mr. Su. I have prepared myself. I grew up there and know the merchants very well. It\'s not so easy for them to move me."

Su Yifeng nodded, but he still couldn\'t relax.

I haven\'t dealt with the merchant, and I don\'t know the details of the other side.

Who knows what they will do?

Su Nan looked at him and smiled. "There\'s no need to worry. If businessmen dare to stretch out their hands here, they\'ll kill him."

She uttered the most cruel words in the calmest tone.

This is the territory of the Su family.

The Su family\'s power is intertwined.

It\'s not just a matter of calling the shots at the mall.

She knew exactly what path Su Jin had taken. She almost went in, but he dragged her out.

But just a little bit of her contact, she knew it was not easy.

Whether it\'s black or white, she won\'t take it seriously.

Su Jin glanced at Su Nan, then hooked his lips, but said nothing.

Su Yifeng looked at her in silence:

"Don\'t be careless. Be careful to find someone else\'s way. In the future, let Chang Li follow you, let him be your bodyguard, and stay with you. Then I can rest assured."

Su Nan paused. Chang Li, who had been living in Jingyuan with her to take care of fuyechuan, hadn\'t seen her for a long time.

Su Yifeng gives her his most trusted bodyguard, and Su Nan will not refuse.

"Well, Chang Li doesn\'t have much to say. It\'s good."

At this stage, there is nothing to worry about. Only soldiers can block it. Water and earth cover it up.

Wen Xiang came over with dessert. "Try horse milk jelly. The housekeeper uncle said Xiao Wu loved it and made it specially."

Su Nan stood up excitedly.

He raised his voice and shouted loudly in the direction of the kitchen:

"Thank you, the best housekeeper in the world..."

Shang Qian was stunned. Everyone was used to Su Nan\'s dog leg.

One man took a cup and began to taste it.

In the kitchen, the housekeeper replied with a smile:

"You\'re welcome, the most beautiful young lady in the world..."

Shang Qian was stunned again.

Wen Xiang explained with a smile:

"It\'s said that the housekeeper uncle has been in the Su family. He grew up watching Xiao Wu and was very close to her."

Su Yifeng smiled:

"No, in the past, when she was in primary school, her grades were terrible. The teacher asked her parents, but she didn\'t dare to ask me. She called the housekeeper and called him Dad.

If the teacher hadn\'t known me, the housekeeper would have been sent to the police station as a child abductor... "