After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1223

When it comes to the past, Su Yifeng has a rare warm smile on his face.

Su Nan stood there embarrassed.

"Dad, you must have made a mistake. My grades have never been worse!"

Su Jin disdained.

"Before I tutored you, your grades were always the bottom one."

He bluntly exposed her.

Su Nan: "...."

Is it necessary?

Isn\'t everyone a family?

Why do we have to hurt each other? No, why do we have to hurt her?

Shang Qian couldn\'t help smiling. Looking at Su Nan\'s eyes, he was somewhat soft and curious.

He wants to know more about such a warm story.

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Nan, who is excellent and perfect, even came to the bottom of the exam?

After dessert, there is still a while to go before dinner.

Suyifeng is worried and asks Su Jin to talk in the study.

Although Su Nan was able to play her own part in the market, there were some dark gray areas that they had never let her touch.

Therefore, Su Jin had to go out.

Wen Xiang sat there with Su Nan and Shang Qian. He ate gracefully and couldn\'t find anything wrong.

Su Nan and Shang Qian looked at each other from time to time and smiled sweetly.

The air seemed to smell sweet.

Wen Xiang smiled and lowered his gentle eyebrows.

"Am I disturbing you here? Do you want to whisper?"

Su Nan was stunned, and her movements became rigid.

Hearing the joke in Wen Xiang\'s words, Su Nan was embarrassed.

"Sister in law..."

Her relationship with Shang Qian was not officially announced at the Su family.

Although Su Jin already knew, Su Yifeng pretended not to know.

But Wen Xiang is the only one who has been exposed.

Wen Xiang looked at them with a smile.

"Mr. Shang, was he in a Wall Street investment bank before?"

Shang Qian smiled and nodded with a warm and sincere attitude.

After all, it was Su Jin\'s wife and Su Nan\'s sister-in-law. He also had 10000 respect.

"It\'s not easy to gain a firm foothold on Wall Street. What\'s more, I just heard that Mr. Shang\'s experience is not so smooth. I must have made more efforts than others to get here today."

Wen Xiang\'s tone was soft, like the breeze and drizzle.

Su Nan likes to listen to Wen Xiang. She always feels it is a kind of enjoyment.

In some aspects, Wen Xiang and Shang Qian were similar.

Their external temperament is extremely gentle and soft.

But Shang Qian was gentle and resolute.

And Wen Xiang was gentle and tactful.

But it\'s not annoying at all.

Shang Qian smiled modestly, "there are difficulties, but compared with returning to the original life, it is not so unbearable."

Wen Xiang nodded to show his understanding.

Su Nan suddenly remembered something.

"Did my sister-in-law also work on Wall Street?

I remember when my elder brother took over the company just a few years ago, he often went to that city on business. Obviously, things were not important enough for him to go there in person, but he would not miss the opportunity to go there. "

Wen Xiang was slightly shocked, and his face was obviously shocked.

She still doesn\'t know these things?

Su Nan smiled. "Didn\'t brother tell you? I think he went to see you secretly..."

"Xiao Wu..."

Su Jin\'s voice came down from the building with an inexplicable chill and warning.

Shang Qian seemed to be aware of something and smiled meaningfully.

Su Nan blinked and looked at Su Jin coming:

"Brother, did you go there on business a few years ago just to see your sister-in-law?"