After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1221

Su Yifeng\'s attitude towards Shang Qian and Su Nan is totally different.

Su Nan pursed her lips.

She was speechless: "Dad, this is what you said. Don\'t finally refuse to admit it!"

Su Yifeng glared at Su Nan:

"You don\'t have much to say! Answer my question."

There are countless ways to solve this problem quietly. Why send people back?

Su Nan hooks her lips:

"Provocative, I just want to let the merchants know about it and let them watch the merchants die. Such scum thinks I will be afraid of him?"

Su Jin raised his eyes and said nothing.

Su Yifeng did not speak.

She did it on purpose.

Not without brains.

Shang Qian paused and said in silence:

"Indeed, if there is no sound, the businessmen will call the police, or even use the FBI, and then there will be more trouble.

But what Su Nan did was to make everyone think that this was a private feud, and the police might not be willing to meddle. "

Su Yifeng raised his eyelids: "so, what she did was quite right?"

Shang Qian smiled and nodded.

"I think so."

Su Nan looked at Shang Qian and smiled.

He really supported her.

Although she didn\'t think so much, she just thought of the tone.

Shang Qian looked at her and smiled. His eyebrows and eyes were firm. Whoever wanted to move Su Nan would end up like this.

Even if Shang Qian is there, things will only get out of hand.

Because he will not be merciful and let Shang also leave breathlessly.

Su Yifeng and Su Jin exchanged glances and did not continue.

"Well, now that it has happened, let\'s think about what to do next..."

Su Nan bit her lower lip, "it\'s time for the next step..."

Everyone: "...."

Suyifeng: "now the merchants probably don\'t know what happened, but there was so much noise last night that they will find out sooner or later."

Su Jin pursed her lips and looked cold and solemn:

"I have asked people to destroy the surveillance video of the Washington Hotel. No one will know. They want to find it. It\'s not that simple.

And... There are very few people in Yu Lou, but Mr. Shang\'s people can\'t hide... Maybe we can find Mr. Shang here. "

This is why Su Yifeng called Shang Qian back.

He was afraid that Shang Qian would sell his daughter!

Hearing the speech, Shang Qian nodded and stroked the eyebrow peak.

Every move and gesture carries a warm and precious spirit that comes out from the bones.

"It\'s a question of time. Even if it\'s about half an hour, if Shang is not dead, he will say it."

"Isn\'t Mr. Shang worried?"

Su Jin put down his coffee and asked him with a hint of temptation in his words.

His eyes looked at him faintly.

Besides having ulterior motives, the men who appear around Su Nan are Cheng Yi\'s thoughtless.

They don\'t worry about being thoughtless.

But some of them have ulterior motives. They are well hidden. Su Nan is alone. I\'m afraid she can\'t recognize them.

They have to be more careful.

Shang Qian looked up at them and kept a decent smile at the corners of his mouth.

"What are you worried about? Are you worried about being retaliated by businessmen?

Mr. Su didn\'t know anything. From the day I knew my surname was Shang, I lived in fear all the time.

The businessmen don\'t want to kill me day after day, but I\'m still alive. They can\'t help me, so they have to endure it all the time. "