After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1205

Yu Lou felt guilty. He felt that if he hadn\'t arranged it, he wouldn\'t have let Su Nan sit in fuyechuan\'s car.

Su Nan shook her head and walked forward with a cold face.

The aura is still strong.

"When did you get here faster than I did?"

Yu Lou: "I let the driver take a shortcut and gave me more money."

Su Nan said yes, but didn\'t say much.

The middle floors of the building are closed hotels. Only elites working here can book private space in advance.

Yu Lou took the card and opened the door to her room.

The presidential suite is richly furnished and warm as spring.

As soon as she entered, she felt the warm air.

There is a very stylish fireplace in the living room in the middle, and the firewood in it is burning vigorously.

Su Nan liked this feeling very much. She threw down her bag and walked over. She sat on the reclining chair next to her and relaxed.

Yu Lou hurriedly took her things to her room without stopping.

When he came out, he looked at the schedule.

"Mr. Su, the shooting is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Ogilvy & Mather has contacted in advance. She will arrive at the hotel two hours later."

Su Nan said yes and said she knew.

Yu Lou: "do you need to arrange Ogilvy and VJ for dinner?"

Su Nan opened her eyes and paused

"Get me a masseuse. I\'ll have a massage after taking a shower."

Yu Lou: "...."

Su Nan thought for a moment and then said:

"When Ogilvy arrives, we can arrange others. But sily doesn\'t need to arrange a dinner party. Ogilvy won\'t like it because of her temper."

Yu Lou: "OK, I\'ll arrange it now."

Su Nan waved her hand, narrowed her eyes and lay back.

In a few minutes, she got up and took a hot bath. After half an hour of flower petal bath, she changed into a warm dress and went to the fireplace to lie down.

It\'s a wonderful day to sit and eat and die!

If you don\'t have to work, it will be more beautiful

There was a knock at the door before we thought about it.

Su Nan: "please come in."

Before Yu Lou could speak, Ogilvy, who was heavily makeup behind him, pushed him in and ran to Su Nan.

"Dear, long time no see..."

Ogilvy\'s strong perfume almost choked Su Nan away.

Su Nan finally broke away from her warm embrace. Looking at her in bikini, she completely exposed her attractive figure. She didn\'t mean to freeze to death at all.

She touched her cold arm in shock.

"Isn\'t it cold?"

Ogilvy\'s golden hair was still covered with snow. She smiled, "of course it\'s not cold!"

She is as enthusiastic as fire.

Su Nan smiled and hurriedly went to find her a dress of her own.

"Put it on. I knew I would just choose to shoot in Hawaii..."

Ogilvy & Mather is almost a household name in country m, and even has many fans in country Z.

But since she had a smooth journey and won six Oscars, she quit.

Always on the way to spend money

She looked at Su Nan\'s thick clothes and threw them directly on the sofa. She twisted her waist and walked in front of Su Nan:

"Your style is still so conservative that you don\'t have a boyfriend yet.

If you had learned from me earlier, you would be like me now, changing one day... "

Su Nan raised her head in shock.

What did she hear?

Ogilvy smiled proudly.

Su Nan blinked, "no one can surpass you, Ogilvy, you are the best!"