After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1206

Su Nan gave a thumbs up.

Ogilvy cut, sat on a chair and threw a blanket. She was casual and sexy.

She sat there, lit a cigarette, took a sip, then turned around and asked her:

"I saw the picture of that little white face. Is it the one you like?"

Su Nan digested it for a long time before she realized that the little white face in her mouth was probably sun Haoyang.

"No, it\'s an image spokesman that our company will sign up for soon.

Because his previous fame was really not high, he wanted to take advantage of your name as a world superstar to rub some heat! "

Ogilvy smiled. "I see. Just rub it. For his good looks."

Su Nan smiled, knowing that she would not refuse.

However, she still took out a contract agreement that had been prepared long ago from her bag.

"This is an island I bought before. It has been cleaned up. Don\'t you like vacation? Go back and see for me. How about the scenery on this island?"

No one can enter the private island unless she gives her permission.

Ogilvy took it in surprise and kissed the document in her hand.

"Twenty years of residency, Su Nan, you are much more generous than those smelly men!"

Almost gave her the island.

No difference.

Su Nan smiled and sat down quietly.

"Shoot tomorrow. Do you want to meet your partner tonight?"

Ogilvy: "of course, I like to cultivate feelings in advance!"

Su Nan made a gesture to show that she was OK. Then she called sunhaoyang and met him at the restaurant on the top floor.

After Su Nan\'s persuasion, Ogilvy changed into a dress with a lot of cloth.

Su Nan really doesn\'t want to make headlines like Ogilvy.

At the restaurant on the top floor, sun Haoyang was already waiting there, sitting by the window.

There was heavy snow falling outside. Sun Haoyang sat in the dark light and looked out the window. He was covered with an indescribable melancholy.

There are no other guests in the restaurant. I should have booked the restaurant on the floor and booked it for tonight.

Ogilvy and Su Nan stood at the door in shock, looking at sunhaoyang\'s direction.

It seems that they can\'t bear to disturb his mood of enjoying the snow.

That kind of beauty is easily broken.

However, the waiter nearby noticed the arrival of the two people and walked over to ask:

"Hello, do you have an appointment?"

Su Nan smiled, "yes, I\'ve been waiting there..."

She touched Ogilvy\'s arm and walked over.

Hearing the footsteps, sunhaoyang turned back, stood up and nodded slightly.

"Miss Su..."

Su Nan nodded and pointed to Ogilvy behind him. "You should know him, Ogilvy!"

SUN Hao nodded modestly, "of course, I know an international superstar."

He held out his hand and Ogilvy shook hands with him.

Sun Haoyang tried to pull it out, but Ogilvy didn\'t let go.

She raised her eyebrows. "Do you just know each other? Don\'t you like it?"

Sun Haoyang felt embarrassed.

"Of course, no one doesn\'t like it."

"What do you like about me?"

Her charming style seems to be attracted to sun Haoyang.

The manner is intentionally or unintentionally attracting people.

Su Nan sighed helplessly and went aside to sit down.

"Ogilvy, don\'t scare him..."

Ogilvy reluctantly let go, and then she couldn\'t help laughing.

"Quite innocent..."

SUN Hao and Yang bowed their heads to hide their looks.

Su Nan gave her a white look. She had a boyfriend one day. Is this an old problem?