After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1204

Fuyechuan guessed that he hadn\'t heard anything from others just now.

Only Yu Lou should follow.

Or she wouldn\'t have gotten on the wrong bus.


Su Nan took a sip of coffee and swallowed the warm liquid. The heat immediately reached all parts of her body. She felt that she was alive.

Since he didn\'t say anything too much and the two were still partners, she certainly wouldn\'t make things too stiff.

She smiled politely and distantly. "Other people came in advance. Yu Lou and I had something to do until today."

After a pause, she said again, "thank you, Mr. Fu, for sending me."

Fuyechuan\'s eyes were deep and his lips were pulled. He didn\'t say anything. Don\'t look at other directions.

But Su Nan was relieved.

Fuyechuan feels strange. He seems to have changed. Maybe he has changed into the original one. He is such a person.

Very good.

He drove her out of his world.

The car was silent for fifteen minutes.

The car stopped at the downstairs of Washington building. Su Nan wanted to get off without saying anything, but Fu YeChuan stopped her:

"Dinner together in the evening?"

Su Nan raised her eyes. "I\'m very busy on business. I\'m sorry."

Fuyechuan did not continue to speak. He became silent and felt the chill around him more intense.

Of course, Chen Mian has the self-consciousness to be an assistant. How can someone like Miss Su open the car door herself?

He immediately jumped out of the car, opened the door from one side, and then put one hand on it to block it. He was considerate and careful in all aspects.

"Miss Su, please slow down."

Su Nan smiled and stooped down to get off the bus.

Even wearing high heels does not affect her cool and smooth beauty.

"Thank you, assistant Chen. Goodbye."

Chen Mian nodded politely and watched her walk into the building. When he saw Yu Lou, who had been waiting there for a long time, he closed the door.

The customer in the car finally couldn\'t help:

"Mr. Fu, the young lady just now is......"

Fuyechuan\'s lips closed tightly, and his tone was cold and gloomy: "ex-wife."

The customer\'s face changed a few times. He regretted that he wanted to bite off his tongue.

"Oh, oh, it\'s so charming..."

He knew nothing about fuyechuan\'s emotional experience, but looking at the attitude of the two people, he knew they didn\'t get along well.

"Mr. Fu, shall we go back to the hotel for a meeting?"

Chen Mian got on the bus, took out his mobile phone, and began to let people debug the equipment. No accident, he would arrive at the site in ten minutes.

As a qualified assistant, he has to control the time on the road clearly.

Fuyechuan raised his eyes and glanced at him with dark eyes. His eyes were very light:

"You still know her well?"

As soon as Chen Mian\'s movements became stiff, he immediately reflected who she was referring to.

"Not familiar, Mr. Fu."

Say more and make more mistakes, or don\'t say it.

The reason why Su Nan\'s attitude towards Chen Mian is mild is that he did not offend her and despised her when she was humble.

But he can\'t say it directly.

Isn\'t this the wound that stabbed Fu YeChuan?

Fuyechuan did not continue to speak. He glanced at the driver. The driver immediately started the car and returned.


Washington tower.

As soon as Su Nan entered, he washed away the cold brought in from outside.

It\'s much warmer.

Yu Lou\'s eyes are almost straight when he is waiting at the door.

He draped the blanket borrowed from the front desk over Su Nan, with some humble guilt:

"Mr. Su, are you all right?"