After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1203

Chen Mian\'s tone was mild and somewhat imploring.

As soon as Fu YeChuan met Su Nan, he was like a different person. How could he not know?

During this period of time, he doubled his work. He didn\'t have any free time. He fully devoted himself to his work in order not to listen to her news in his spare time.

But who knows, if you work in country m, you can still meet Miss Su who takes the initiative to get on the bus?

Su Nan glanced at Chen Mian and gritted her teeth, thinking that Fu YeChuan must be going crazy.

forget it.

"To Washington tower, thank you."

Well, since he wants to be a driver so much, he should be.

She wouldn\'t be grateful anyway.

It was not she who begged him to send her.

It\'s all in the face of Chen Mian.

Chen Mian heaved a heavy sigh of relief and nodded to the driver.

The driver immediately started the car.

The warm heating did not melt the cold atmosphere in the car.

Looking back, Chen Mian postponed the emergency meeting ten minutes later to half an hour later.

If he remembers correctly, the direction of the Washington building is completely opposite to the place they are going to. It takes at least half an hour to come and go.

However, when Mr. Fu met Miss Su, no matter how important the meeting was, it was not as important as giving her a ride.

Unfortunately, the two were never meant to be.

Mr. Fu didn\'t specifically ask, but as an assistant, Chen Mian kept an eye on Miss Su\'s developments.

Including her walking along the red carpet with sunhaoyang at the China Britain award ceremony and being praised as a hot search, and her intimate appearance of whispering and laughing with Shang Qian

Su Nan sends a wechat message to Yu Lou with her mobile phone. She will meet at the Washington building later.

Yu Lou just replied with a message, relieved.

He didn\'t think about it well. If he hadn\'t reminded him too late, how could he let Sunan sheep into the tiger\'s mouth?

Who knows, unexpectedly met fuyechuan?

He found Chen Mian\'s contact information and sent a message:

"Please take care of Miss Su, but don\'t let Mr. Fu do anything we can\'t afford."

Chen Mian replied without a word: "I\'m on my way to the Washington building. Go there to meet people!"

He looked through the rearview mirror, and none of the three people behind him spoke.

The customer is a genuine foreigner. He has no idea why fuyechuan stopped the beautiful girl from leaving.

The beautiful girl did not look familiar with him, and her dress and temperament were different from ordinary people.

He suppressed his curiosity and thanked fuyechuan again for coming to pick him up in person.

Fuyechuan nodded, his eyes still staring at Su Nan\'s face.

Make no secret of your emotions.

He was so mad that he was unwilling and forced himself to swallow.

He paralyzed himself with a lot of work, and drunk himself with a bottle of wine at night.

He tried not to listen to her, but she was still in his mind.

Su Nan, he wanted to strangle her.

But he was reluctant.

Chen Mian coughed, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

He hurriedly picked up the untouched coffee and handed it over.

"Miss Su, it\'s still hot. You haven\'t moved. Take a drink to warm yourself up."

Su Nan picked it up without hesitation. "Thank you, assistant Chen."

She smiled, but Chen Mian was the most considerate.

Fuyechuan\'s cold eyes swept over Chen Mian. Chen Mian\'s smile froze and turned away silently.

Finally, he could not help it, and his tone was cold:

"Why did you come here suddenly? Only Yu Lou followed you?"