After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1202

Su Nan felt that she especially wanted to bake by the stove

Without much thought, Yu Lou\'s mobile phone lit up and he ran to it in surprise.

"Mr. Su, someone has answered the order. Let\'s get on the bus..."

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief. If she didn\'t get on the bus, her legs would be frozen into popsicles.

The two of them went to the boarding area. In front of them, a luxurious extended Lincoln stopped in front of them, and the back door opened.

There is still hot coffee in it.

Su Nan immediately relaxed.

She did not want to lift her legs to get on the bus.

Yu Lou behind noticed something wrong. He saw the color of the car in front of him. The car he called was obviously an ordinary taxi

Su Nan stooped down and went in. Before she could sit down, she saw a familiar and strange man sitting inside.


She was a little stiff.

Yu Lou remedied in the back: "Mr. Su, the car is in the back. This car is not ours."

However, it is already late.

Su Nan turned back silently and gave him a heavy look.

Yu Lou: "...."

Fuyechuan said something to the people around him. The customers around him were surprised to see the beautiful woman suddenly coming up, "this is..."

Fuyechuan pursed his lips, looking cold and cold.

When Su Nan took a step back and was about to jump out of the car without hesitation, he suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist, took her to the car and sat on the seat.

"Close the door."

Chen Mian did not know when he appeared. Hearing Fu YeChuan\'s instructions, he hesitated for a second before closing the door.

Su Nan sat there and broke away.

"Sorry, I got on the wrong bus. Open the door..."

Fuyechuan raised his head and looked at her after talking to the client in English:

"Where are you going? I\'ll see you off."

"No, thanks."

Su Nan resolutely refused.

Even in a foreign country, I don\'t want to have too much contact with this man.

The heater in the luxury car is fully turned on, but it is also extremely quiet.

No one dared to speak, even breathing carefully.

When Chen Mian got on the bus, Yu Lou outside the door was still anxiously patting the door, "Mr. Su, you get off..."

Su Nan silently scolded him several times in her heart. Isn\'t it because she doesn\'t want to get off the bus?

She looked up at fuyechuan, who was wearing a black coat. His whole body seemed to be trapped in the dark and shrouded in cold.


He hasn\'t taken the initiative to contact her for a long time. She has been relaxed for a long time. She thinks he has wanted to open up and gives up.

But the moment she touched his eyes, she could see the rising chill and possessiveness in the man\'s eyes.

It\'s frightening.

The car stopped here, and the cars behind started honking impatiently.

But probably worried about the value of the car, no one dared to really come forward to urge, just honk the horn to vent their dissatisfaction.

"Where to?"

Fuyechuan asked again.

The dark eyes stared at her, as if she didn\'t speak, the car would always stop here, regardless of the vehicles behind and the anxious Yu Lou outside.

Su Nan looked at him with calm eyes and did not open his mouth.

This is to force the overlord to bow, to force?

The atmosphere in the car startled the customers next to fuyechuan.

Chen Mian really couldn\'t stand it anymore and coughed.

"Miss Su, where are you going? Let\'s take you there. At the moment, I have time to ask assistant Yu to follow the car behind me. When I get there, I\'ll put you down."