After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1198

Su Nan was soft all over and became a pool of water. He had no strength and was in control of the whole person.

She was surprised that Shang Qian seemed to have changed. Under his warm coat, he was a hunting leopard. He had been hungry for a long time.

And she is the prey.

I don\'t know when she was laid flat on the sofa. The huge soft sofa sank slightly, making her in a trance for a moment.

As soon as she opened her watery eyes, Shang Qian leaned over her, one hand wrapped around a strand of her hair, and the other hand lingered around her waist.

Everywhere she went, it was like a kindling fire, which made her tremble and tremble.

She tried to restrain her breath, calmed herself down, and met his deep and dark vision. She felt defeated for a moment.

In his dark eyes, there was an undisguised possessiveness and strong restraint.

I could feel that his body was hot and tight, and there was a reaction in some places.

Su Nan tried her best to ignore his physical changes and asked herself not to reject it.

She was not conservative, but she could feel that Shang Qian would control himself every time he got out of control. At first, she was still amazed at his restraint.

According to Qin Yu, once a man gets into bed, he doesn\'t know his last name. He will become a wolf, a tiger and a leopard.

But Shang Qian was not like this. When he looked at her with warmth and restraint, he simply had to take her feelings into account.

As if she didn\'t say "she would" himself, he would never touch her.

While she was shaking, he suddenly bowed his head and bit her lip.


His voice was deep, Husky and breathtaking.

Su Nan was in pain. He looked at her bright red lips greedily.

One of his hands went up along her waist, as if every inch of skin were precious works of art.

His movements were very light, but he could not help feeling them delicately.

Su Nan was so disturbed by his actions that she itched into his arms all the time.

Shang Qian seemed to have found a new pleasure, just watching her wriggle around in her arms.

Although it is very painful.

Su Nan\'s face is going red. This man is really tormenting!

She could not help but stretch out her fist and hung it around his chest, but her soft strength seemed to tickle.

Shang Qian couldn\'t help laughing.

Su Nan clenched her lower lip. Don\'t think she didn\'t know his little moves!

He just wants to see her lose her manners!

All of a sudden, her suppressed hand suddenly lifted up, circled his neck, pressed in her own direction, and suddenly kissed his lips.

Shang Qian was frozen. He didn\'t expect Su Nan to take the initiative.

Then he immediately let himself relax and let her lightly kiss his lips.

She loosened and looked down at his protruding Adam\'s apple.

The cold and moist lips touched there in an instant, and the man was stiff and tense.

Even that rogue hand forgot to move.

Su Nan felt her achievements.

Very satisfied.

She gently kissed, winding around the place, intermittently tormenting each of his nerves.

Shang Qian finally couldn\'t help it. He felt like he was going to explode.

His voice was more low and hoarse than before: "baby..."

As soon as he spoke, his Adam\'s apple rolled. Su Nan seemed to have discovered a new world. This kind of vibration made people fascinated.

She gave a "hum", which means she was responding