After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1197

Su Nan is a loyal little fan!

Su Qi, who was abroad, could not help sneezing and rubbing his nose.

Someone must have missed him!

She coaxed Ogilvy into laughing. They talked for a long time before they hung up the phone.

Su Nan tells Du Yan the shooting time and asks Du Yan to find someone to go with sunhaoyang. She will also go back at that time.

After all, she hasn\'t seen her idol for a long time!

Near the shooting date, Su Nan told Shang Qian that he was going abroad. Shang Qian wanted to go with him without even thinking about it.

The two of them were sitting on the sofa. Just after dinner, Su Nan watched TV and heard Shang Qian\'s words and gave a slight meal.

"Haven\'t you been busy lately?"

He is also busy transferring his work abroad. He wants to open up a new forum here and continue the previous model.

You can\'t go to wall street every day. Remote control is still a little cumbersome.

Su Nan also knows that this is not a simple job.

Shang Qian stroked the brow bone and smiled:

"No matter how busy I am, I will go with you. I really don\'t want to be separated from you."

Su Nan holds the pillow and looks at him:

"Why haven\'t you found it before? You\'re very sticky?"

Shang Qian did not realize why he was so clingy?

It seems that one day I can\'t see her, I feel empty in my heart.

He put his arm around her waist, and his tone was a little soft:

"If you don\'t like it, I\'ll try not to stick around, but I still want to go."

Su Nan almost vomited water from her mouth. She coughed heavily.

The more you understand Shang Qian, the more you open the door to a new world.

Is this still Shang Qian she knows?

She steadied her mind and pretended to be calm:

"Well, you can go if you want."

She felt like a domineering president!

Did you take the wrong script?

When she finished, Shang Qian put his hand around her waist on her head naturally, gently leaned over and looked at her red lips and pecked.

Su Nan blushed slightly and gave him a deep look.

His recent intimacy has really become more and more presumptuous.

But she doesn\'t hate it at all!

Shang Qian touched her charming red lips and smiled:

"Just a kiss, how can I blush so easily, Miss Su, it\'s hard for me to continue to do bad things like this..."

His voice was low and hoarse, like a hook, which wound into her heart.

Su Nan\'s face became redder. She had to stand up and escape from this dangerous place without even thinking about it.

But Shang Qian pulled him back with a smile and sat on his lap.

Before she could react, he held her face and kissed the red lips he had coveted for a long time with irresistible strength.

They stayed together all day, met and ate together every day, and he would try to find time to work with her and go shopping.

But they had no further development except holding hands and kissing.

Shang Qian treated her like a baby, afraid to scare her.

But there are times when you can\'t help it, such as now.

Shang Qian greedily kissed her lips and tongue, absorbed her sweetness and beauty, and teased her little tongue, which made her unconsciously soften her power to refuse him.

When she was completely reduced to this kiss, Shang Qian\'s offensive was even more rapid, as if he wanted to swallow her.

He could feel that she gradually opened her heart to him and let him into her world.

Such a change, he was ecstatic