After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1199

Shang Qian took a deep breath and looked at her white skin with a blush, and her bright lips with a light luster.

It really drives people crazy.

His eyes darkened a bit.

Feeling that his body was about to explode, Shang Qian endured a strange situation and pressed her shoulder so that she could not move.

He bowed his head and kissed her on the lips, with a vengeful ferocity.

Seems to be sucking her up.

Su Nan was almost out of breath before he let go.

He touched her hair and his voice was hoarse:

"Why is it so tempting?"

As if with a sigh, he got up the next second.

Su Nan looked at him in surprise, "where are you going?"

Kiss and kiss and it\'s over?

Shang Qian paused and did not look back.

"Would you mind taking a shower in the bathroom and using your bathroom?"

Sunan: "don\'t mind..."

He walked over with great strides, and was very familiar with every inch of the house.

Su Nan was surprised and murmured in a very low voice:

"Just a kiss? That\'s it?"

They always click to the end.

Su Nan naturally won\'t expect that kind of thing. She doesn\'t have much experience or favor.

But the way Shang Qian walks away every time, as if she doesn\'t have any attraction, why can\'t she fascinate him?

Is it because he is not attractive enough that he can control himself so much?

She did it blankly and touched her messy hair.

Hearing this, Shang Qian suddenly turned around:

"Do you want to continue?"

His answer made her stiff.

He looked at her kindly, as if expecting her answer.

Su Nan tightened her lips. No, of course she couldn\'t answer "yes"!

Does she look so hungry?

"No, No."

And Shang Qian\'s eyes seemed to eat her.

Su Nan refused immediately!

Shang Qian frowned and walked into the bathroom.

When Su Nan subconsciously took back his eyes, his eyes swept in front of him, and his face instantly turned red.

Fortunately, she refused in time!

At random, the bathroom sounded the sound of water.

At present, the weather is still a little cold. Do you know if you will catch a cold after taking a cold shower?

Su Nan thought and stood up.

When I looked back and saw myself in the mirror, I had charming eyes, bright faces, red lips, slight redness and swelling, and some messy clothes.

This scene shocked and embarrassed Su Nan.

Soon, she went to the bathroom of her room to wash her face, calm down and tidy up herself.

She woke up in an instant.

Except for the slight redness and swelling of the lips, everything else is normal.

She sat outside watching TV, in order not to hear the sound of water inside him, she specially amplified the sound.

In the entertainment variety show, fuyanni and several girls got on well

Her attention was gradually drawn away.

Naturally, I didn\'t hear a deep sigh of relief in the bathroom.

More than twenty minutes.

He knocked on the bathroom door.


Hearing the sound, Su Nan walked over to the door:


Shang Qian: "can you help me get a dress? My clothes are wet..."

Sunan: I haven\'t prepared your clothes here

She told the truth.

I thought, "shall I go up and get it for you?"

Shang Qian sighed, "do you want to freeze me to death?"

Su Nan: "...."

Under her rights and interests, Su Nan found her own Nightgown, which was one size larger.

She knocked on the door, put it on the chair outside, and hesitated to speak.

"You can make do with it first. It may not be suitable, but it\'s my biggest dress."