After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1196

Du Yan\'s words, with a natural ruthlessness, shocked Yu Fei.

More fear.

It was originally a resource belonging to another newcomer in the company. He wanted it so much that the broker asked him not to think about it, because it was Du Yan\'s appointment to win people.

He was worried, and Su Nan happened to go to the crew. He consciously or unconsciously revealed Du Yan\'s indifference and indifference to himself.

Su Nan immediately called Du Yan.

Although he didn\'t clearly ask for any resources, the advertisement still came into his hands.

He thought no one would know.

Unexpectedly, Du Yan knew everything clearly.

He left the meeting without knowing how he got back.

But he realized that as long as he was still in the company, he had to be a man with his tail between his legs.

But once the contract is broken, Du Yan will not let him go without huge liquidated damages.


This event has been going on vigorously for a whole week.

Jiang Yu and the capital behind him did not seem to expect such a big backfire.

I\'m willing to buy him a film emperor blessing. His future will be easier.

As a result... His current resources have begun to see if he has a tendency to withdraw from the circle?

Some of the scripts delivered to the door have also been taken back one after another, for fear that his promise would hurt him.

But the person who benefited the most from this incident became sun Haoyang.

Sunhaoyang\'s personality and charisma have become a hot topic of discussion.

Within a week, sily, the editor in chief of VJ, called her.

"Miss Su, sun Haoyang is very popular now, and he is not brain powder. I think I will take advantage of this heat to shoot the cover. Have you contacted Ogilvy and mather?"

It was to urge her. Su Nan smiled and even learned the word "brain powder"?

"OK, choose a time next week. Ogilvy & Mather will have time next week. I will ask sunhaoyang to prepare in advance."

"OK, it\'s a deal. I\'ll wait for you in country m first."

Su Nan smiled: "OK."

She had already contacted Ogilvy and Ogilvy agreed. It wasn\'t too difficult, and it was still a magazine as big as VJ, which didn\'t lose its grade.

After hanging up, she called Ogilvy directly:

The other party picked it up soon.

"Su Su..."

"Next week, don\'t forget..."

Ogilvy Mae: "no, I made time for you. Are you moved?"

Su Nan: "I really appreciate it for delaying your holiday!"

Ogilvy smiled. "What is your third brother doing recently? Is he still acting?"

Su Nan was able to meet Ogilvy because she attended a private party. Unexpectedly, she could see her favorite foreign actress at that party, Ogilvy.

She asks Su Qi to pick up a conversation and introduces herself to Ogilvy. Unexpectedly, Ogilvy falls in love with Su Qi.

Su Qi was so frightened that he never dared to appear in front of her.

I didn\'t expect Ogilvy still thinks about it?

Su Nan hesitated: "he has a girlfriend..."

Or my best friend!

Ogilvy smiled and said, "I just asked casually. I seem to have seen him in Hawaii, but I thought I didn\'t say hello because I saw the wrong person. I have changed three boyfriends and have lost interest in him for a long time!"

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief:

"I knew how my third brother could be worthy of you. Ogilvy, you are the most perfect!"