After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1192

Shang Qian: "do you think the award ceremony is a summary and commendation? This is another investment attraction. The organizers are eager to replace it with flow Xiaosheng, but everyone will look like a farce, so there is an acting school."

Su Nan glanced at him. "Do you quite understand?"

"Thanks to you."

Shang Qian really studied the entertainment industry in order to get close to her some time ago.

However, the risk is too great. It is even greater than the risk of the stock market. If the scandal of a star comes out, the capital behind it will be implicated.

But people have seven emotions and six desires. How can they have the same stable structure as products?

Besides, this circle is too dirty.

As soon as he got the news that he wanted to invest, someone stuffed women around him. They were all kinds of disgusting.

So he gave up investing in the entertainment industry.

However, he never mentioned these things to Su Nan for fear that they might pollute her ears.

The awarding guests began to read the winner of the best actor, and the music just changed into drums.

It is urgent and inspiring.

"The actor who won the best actor is... Jiang Yu!"

The audience was shocked.

Everyone looked at each other.

Driven by the host, the clapping began. However, some famous actors in the circle sat there quietly.

As they sat here, many people heard the name "Jiang Yu" for the first time.

movie king?

It\'s ridiculous.

He is the flow Xiaosheng who is embarrassed in his acting skills and poor in his lines in the short film just now.

Defeated the two most popular competitors, the old actor of the acting school and sunhaoyang of the acting school, and won the film emperor!

Su Nan\'s complexion was complicated and stiff for a moment. It seemed that she was forced to eat a greasy cake and vomited when she wanted to!

She sat on the chair and could hardly sit down.

Shang Qian patted the back of her hand to calm her mood.

"Don\'t worry. It\'s all over now. At least we can\'t go until we finish reading it."

Su Nan gnashed her teeth. "If this were my home, I would have to smash the yard for him!"

A good award party, dare you come to meet people?

The actors below also laughed but did not speak.

The machine photographed the people below. Almost everyone\'s microexpressions were strange, but unexpectedly unified.

Sparse applause fell, and then went on to the next item

Shang Qian sat there leisurely and watched the good play.

Everything was the same as he had guessed.

This Jiang Yu, the capital behind him wants to make him popular. I don\'t know who pushed him out?

Many big men in the shopping mall nearby smiled meaningfully.

"The movie king... Oh, which company?"

"I don\'t know. My daughter seems to like him very much. I thought he was a woman..."

"Hahaha, it seems that this wave of heat is really enough. It\'s much easier to use than throwing money!"


Su Nan sat there, quietly watching coldly.

On the big screen, when the machine sweeps to sunhaoyang, sunhaoyang smiles very appropriately. He is modest and tolerant, with shallow loss at the corners of his mouth.

Next to him was the old actor of the acting school nominated by him. He seemed to be aware of sunhaoyang\'s loss and patted the back of sunhaoyang\'s hand.

It seems to be a relief

It\'s finally over.

Su Nan stood up in the end.

The boss at one side said: "Mr. Su, Mr. Shang, will you join the cocktail party later?"

Su Nan glanced at the corners of her mouth. "No, everyone, enjoy yourself."

Shang Qian smiled and said, "goodbye..."