After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1193

The two men left one after the other, even their backs were so beautiful.

As soon as she left her seat, she called Du Yan:

"See, who put Jiang Yu into it? This kind of goods can also rely on the movie king? Any group performance is better than him!"

Du Yan couldn\'t help laughing. "I knew you would be angry."

"Are you not angry?"

Su Nan asked back.

Duyan: "look at the hot search on the Internet first. Netizens are much more angry than you. That Jiang Yu has lost all the popularity he has accumulated.

SUN Hao and Yang failed together with the old actor. It\'s not a shame! "

Su Nan hung up the phone and immediately went to the website.

Shang Qian protected her arm on one side and pulled her into the car. Looking at her concentration, he could not help sighing.

Su Nan didn\'t care. She was absorbed in looking at her mobile phone.

Hot search No. 1: "water emperor Jiang Yu, Huaying is your back garden"!

The following comments did not disappoint Su Nan at all.

"Unexpectedly, the most inexperienced person has become the best actor. I really love the old actor who accompanies me..."

"It was SUN Hao and Yang who were still struggling to support the old actor. Now don\'t bother. Let\'s all scold Jiang Yu..."

"It\'s the funniest joke of the year that five people who can act are accompanied by one who can\'t act!"

"Do you feel sorry for this trophy? The play scored 2.8 and turned out to be a movie king?"

"Water emperor, any one of the other five people is better than him. Does the jury accept money?"

"In terms of capital, sun Haoyang is an entertainer of Huaying entertainment. He belongs to the Su Ying emperor, and he didn\'t get the award.

The water emperor won the award. I wonder if it is better than Huaying entertainment? "


After reading, Su Nan slowly breathed out a mouthful of turbid air.

I feel much better in an instant.

After exiting the page, sun Haoyang\'s name ranked second.

"SUN Hao and yang are so distressed by their loss."

"Master comforts sun Haoyang"

Although it looks childish, the netizens still magnified sun Haoyang\'s Micro expression from the short video animation.

They are more willing to explain sunhaoyang\'s expression in the direction of their discovery.

Especially when the machine swept sunhaoyang, his calm and smiling face did not have the slightest pleasure.

And the old actor next to him comforted him by patting his hand. He was very distressed.

The imitated Buddha knows that he is worthy of his name, but someone has obviously robbed him of what he deserves.

Helplessly, but powerless.

All this makes netizens indignant.

The relief of the old actor is more like recognition and heartache for sunhaoyang.

So sun Haoyang\'s strength can fully support the name of "movie king".

In this way, it seems that Jiang Yu has won the film emperor, which is even more ridiculous.

Jiang Yu won the award without the blessing of any insiders. Even the artists present didn\'t want to say a word.

As soon as the award ceremony was over, everyone was in no mood to attend the dinner and left by car.

The most dismal award ceremony.

It\'s like a joke.

The reputation of the Huaying award has also been severely damaged. If it was at the same level, you would prefer one operation, and you wouldn\'t see anything.

However, there is such an obvious gap. The Huaying award gives the award to a person who has no acting skills. That is to explain to everyone that the award can be bought with money.

In this way, the awards that others in the circle have worked so hard to get are worthless!

Su Nan realized this and was suddenly in a happy mood.