After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1191

Everyone looked at each other. It seemed that they couldn\'t help following the fault, but followed the scream. They hesitated

Not so good!

Shang Qian, looking slightly gloomy, squinted and looked at the people below.

Sun Haoyang stood on the stage and bowed. Everyone seemed very enthusiastic.

His popularity should be the highest, otherwise he won\'t be the last one to make a grand appearance.

He looked sideways at Su Nan\'s bright smile, which was so dazzling.

He could not help it. He held Su Nan\'s hand forcibly and stopped her from clapping.

The vinegar in my heart is really sour.

Su Nan looked at him and blinked. His smile had not been taken back. He looked at him:

"What\'s the matter?"

Shang Qian pinched her palm. "I\'m afraid your hand hurts."

Su Nan wanted to continue clapping. She just wanted to draw back, but she couldn\'t move.

She smiled and whispered mysteriously:

"It doesn\'t hurt. In the end, it was sun Haoyang. Did you say that the jury deliberately arranged this?"

Shang Qian chuckled.


Generally, such popularity will give people infinite speculation.

But according to his speculation, this is to satisfy the vanity of fans.

It\'s just a little compensation for SUN Hao and Yang\'s futility.

That is to say, his best actor may really hang up next.

However, looking at Su Nan\'s expectant eyes, he was really unable to express his speculation.

Maybe he was wrong?

Shang Qian: "don\'t think so much. Yu Fei takes the lead, SUN Hao and yang are the people of Huaying entertainment. I have to say that Du always has the ability."

Su Qi is now rehearsing abroad. If it weren\'t for Du Yan\'s mediation, people here might not put the two artists of Huaying entertainment in the most prominent position.

Su Nan nodded and agreed.

"Duyan is clever, but he also has real skills. Otherwise, how could my third brother trust him so much?"

The host took the stage, said a few words, and began the award ceremony.

The process was boring and breathtaking, but Su Nan watched. Some of the winners were not commensurate with their strength.

Are all the judges blind now?

She waited patiently for the best actor.

Six people were nominated together.

After the six short films are played, it is obvious that three of them are basically accompanied.

Although the acting skills are average, the script is good. However, the selfie pulls away, and the fans don\'t buy it.

The other three, one is sun Haoyang, one is a senior performer in the circle, and the other is a flow Xiaosheng.

This flow niche can be nominated. It seems that it operates privately.

In the short film just played, the acting skills are awkward, and the lines are stumbling. It\'s just black for me.

I don\'t know whether to nominate or ridicule this short film?

Su Nan looked at it with great interest and couldn\'t help laughing.

Shang Qian also saw some tricks. His mind was full of twists and turns. He had realized who would eventually spend the award ceremony?

He smiled. "What are you laughing at?"

Su Nan raised her chin and nodded below.

"Fortunately, there is another senior of the acting school. Sun Haoyang\'s standing on it is a rising tide. Otherwise, sun Haoyang will stand with the male goblin, and the party will become a joke."


Shang Qian raised his eyebrows and heard her ridicule at the flow student.

He quietly tickled his lips. I\'m afraid she didn\'t even remember their names, did she?