After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1190

Because of Yu Fei\'s youthful character, many youth dramas like to find him.

When we reached the middle, the lights in the back continued to light up and dim, and the second and third people appeared one after another.

Then, the appearance of many people caused huge cheers.

These people are all male artists. They should separate men and women on stage.

It deserves to be the top 20 in popularity. It may really be voted by fans.

Indeed, several people on the stage are acquaintances in the circle and on the hot search. They have one thing in common: handsome!

Su Nan was surprised. It was just that there were so many big men in the shopping malls around. They were really bad at losing their manners, so they kept looking at it calmly. Their eyes twinkled, and the corners of their mouths were gently hooked up.

Shang Qian paid attention to Su Nan around him all the time. Seeing her staring at the bottom without blinking, he felt a little uncomfortable.

The people below look the same when they are swept away?

Is it necessary to be so absorbed?

His lips closed in a straight line, his eyes closed, he felt a little hot, his fingers loosened the collar of his shirt, and he felt a sense of abstinence.

Su Nan did not notice anything wrong with Shang Qian.

She put one hand on the railing in front of her, her eyes flashing and expecting.

Some of the male artists who looked familiar, the model walked in, which was really pleasing to the eye and very beautiful.

In particular, they are not only to show their clothes, but also their fashion tastes, hats, sunglasses and scarves, all of which have different styles, and there is no aesthetic fatigue at all.

More than a dozen people in front walked by, and the lights went out after the last person walked.

The whole audience fell into silence again.

But the next second, the last one came out.

The light suddenly came on again, probably several degrees brighter than just now. The dazzling light hit him. Sun Haoyang came out wearing a casual suit.

The most eye-catching thing was that the buttons on his front clothes were loosely buttoned, almost half of his chest was exposed, eight abdominal muscles were faintly visible, and the whole ruffian handsome was completely revealed, much more casual than a dozen people just now.

But just as he came over, the sound in the hall suddenly rose eight degrees.

The female stars in the venue are openly appreciating his unique charm, and the male artists are laughing without saying anything, with mixed feelings.

It is not only female artists who will compete in such occasions, but also male artists who have obvious inner curls. However, they do not have many choices of gowns, and most of them are in decent and dignified suits.

So they can only rely on their appearance and fans.

The appearance of more than a dozen people in front has almost established the popularity of the circle. The appearance of the last sunhaoyang is the finale, the strength and the focus of all.

Sun Haoyang\'s acting skills are commendable and highly praised.

Although his controversy is very big, he seems to have some modest introverted nature, which is different from Shang Qian\'s gentleness.

SUN Hao Yang\'s modesty seems to be a kind of low-key toughness, which is resistance and unwilling.

Su Nan\'s eyes lit up when she saw sunhaoyang, and then she applauded with the people below.

She seems to have seen a cornucopia. The people she created by herself are more like some kind of recognition today.

So she didn\'t save any energy when she clapped, and even screamed with the people below——

Leaders around: "...."