After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1186

Shang Qian looked at her with gentle eyes. As soon as he was about to say something, Su Nan pulled his arm and left.

"Why are there journalists here?"

She murmured as she trotted along with her skirt.

Shang Qian smiled and said nothing. He followed her into the arena.

Once inside, many people came to propose a toast to her. Su Nan would easily become the focus wherever she was.

Her existence is natural and striking.

Not those female stars who deliberately show their status and compete for beauty.

After a round of toast, Shang Qian didn\'t even have a chance to stop drinking. Su Nan directly told others that she didn\'t drink.

So she took a glass of juice and presented it to everyone.

It\'s not time yet. Everyone is greeting inside.

I didn\'t notice that Duyan had arrived.

"Miss Su..."

His position in the entertainment industry is the same as that of a big man.

But since he realized that he had offended Su Nan, he had been trembling and walking on thin ice.

Su Qi made a phone call last night, half joking and half warning. The meaning was obvious.

If you don\'t want to stay in Huaying entertainment, you can go out and start your own business.

It\'s easy to set up his own house, but his contacts are all from Su Qi. If he leaves, people will not be able to keep up with him.

The value of Du Yan\'s name will be greatly reduced.

He knows very well that only if he continues to stay in Huaying entertainment, can he always sit firmly in the position of the big man in the circle.

Once he left, the whole circle would have no place for him.

After waves of fear, he had to take the initiative to find Sunan to admit his mistake.

Even if he knelt down, he would admit it!

Shang Qian knew that Su Nan didn\'t want to see Du Yan. As soon as he was about to stand in front of him, Su Nan sniffed and sneered:

"Isn\'t this Mr. Du? Is he willing to show up now?"

Duyan\'s face flushed and whitened, smiling:

"Miss Su\'s talent in public relations is beyond the reach of countless professionals. I admire her!"

This is the truth.

In the eyes of outsiders, all the reversals of sun Haoyang may be coincidence.

But Du Yan had a clear mind. Su Nan planned it all.

If she\'s in the entertainment industry, I\'m afraid others won\'t want to eat this bowl of rice!

Su Nan glanced at him coldly, and his tone was still impolite:

"At least it\'s better than you. President Du doesn\'t hold back at the critical moment. I should thank you very much."

Although the public humiliation was not good-looking, Du Yan felt he could bear it.

If the eldest lady doesn\'t let out her temper, she will be really afraid.

What\'s more, Su Qi said clearly on the phone.

Whether he is here or not, Su Nan has all his privileges in Huaying entertainment. Even if she signs a gift to her on the spot, it is only a matter of minutes.

Du Yan accompanied the smiling face:

"Miss Su was right. I really didn\'t think about it. At that time, Yu Fei was pushed to the top because of the relationship. Who knew that the photographer and Zhangxiaojuan were so wicked.

Fortunately, it was exposed early, otherwise Yufei would also be involved in it. At that time, the reputation of the company would be affected. Young master Su must kill me! "

He mentioned Su Qi. He wanted Su Nan to show mercy to Su Qi.

Su Nan saw his thoughtfulness and coldness.

"Mr. Du\'s attitude of admitting mistakes is good, but there are also many self righteous problems."