After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1185

However, Su Nan and SUN Hao and Yang Yiliang are both controversial people and have attracted much attention on the Internet.

Soon, these media reporters took photos like chicken blood.

Su Nan kept a decent and elegant smile, and sunhaoyang was beside her. On the contrary, she kept a low profile, like a gentleman who didn\'t want to rob the camera.

The artist didn\'t rob the camera in order to take care of the girls?

This wave really impressed me.

Su Nan, sunhao and yangmingming wanted to move on, but were repeatedly stopped by reporters and hosts.

The red carpet of tens of meters took almost ten minutes to complete. It\'s really an enviable number.

The photos and videos that were transmitted to the Internet in real time immediately caused a violent response:

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, my two favorite people have appeared together. I\'m going to start hitting CP. don\'t mention Mr. Fu and Mr. Shang. Mr. Sun is the true love!"

"The goddess is really beautiful. Although sun Haoyang is also good, her momentum is always bad!"

"Yufei is dead. The new love of the goddess is sunhaoyang!"

"The two tacit partners have merged. Long live the friendship!"

"The two people who were forced to do business seemed to have worked extra shifts. They wouldn\'t laugh when they stood there. It\'s too fake. Ha ha ha, but it\'s so cute..."

"Goddess, this dress is a limited edition Gao Ding. It\'s said that you can only buy it but not borrow it. A group of female stars have never done business. It\'s good to have money!"


Yu Fei, who appeared in the back, although the heat was not small, the departure of Su Nan and sunhaoyang had already been a small climax.

Not so much attention.

Su Nan and sun Haoyang were standing backstage. They looked at each other and were relieved.

Just now the two people seemed calm on the surface, but in fact they were very nervous.

As soon as she turned around, Su Nan raised her eyes and saw Shang Qian standing there with deep eyes.

Subconsciously, she took back her arm and looked at sun Haoyang with a smile:

"Why are you here?"

Shang Qian\'s eyes were low, and his voice was full of deep resentment:

"You won\'t go with me. Do you think it\'s reasonable for me to go alone?"

A man who is not an entertainer walks the red carpet by himself and looks like he is being laughed at.

She forgot that.

She left him and chose sun Haoyang. It was her fault.

Very guilty.

As he said this, he looked at sun Haoyang next to Su Nan.

SUN Hao and Yang nodded in greeting: "Mr. Shang..."

Shang Qian knew exactly why Su Nan held him up.

Obviously, he knew that nothing could happen to these two people, but he was still uncomfortable watching them walk through the red carpet.

It was hard to suppress the jealousy in my heart.

On the surface, it looks gentle and elegant, still giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Su Nan hesitated for a moment, then walked over, took the initiative to take his arm and shook it for a few times.

"If the three of us go together, you will steal our spotlight and make people think you are bullying..."

Shang Qian: "...."

So, is he interrupting?

Seeing this, SUN Hao and Yang wanted to laugh but did not dare, so they could only speak faintly:

"I\'ll say hello to the people over there. Mr. Su, Mr. Shang, excuse me..."

Su Nan nodded. In this situation, it is a good opportunity to communicate.

Looking at the figure of him leaving, Shang Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He casually tidied up his clothes and looked down at Su Nan.