After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1187

Su Nan doesn\'t care about Du Yan\'s face. Her anger hasn\'t disappeared yet!

SUN Hao and Yang almost became black and never turned over. He didn\'t do anything and didn\'t say anything. He also privately reconciled with Zhangxiaojuan.

It\'s really a fitting thing to do.

"I am not interested in being a guardian of the hidden rules, but I have said what sunhaoyang means to the Su group.

President Du didn\'t take it seriously. He almost put SUN Hao and yang to death. I remember you this time.

Next time, don\'t mention Su Qi to me. Even if Su Jin comes, it won\'t work. "

Du Yan gave a little pause. Although his face was not good-looking, he could only smile honestly.

"Thank you, Miss Su."

Shang Qian smiled and relaxed the atmosphere.

"Su Nan, don\'t frighten president Du. That\'s not what you said just now."

Du Yan subconsciously looked at him. Shang Qian glanced at Su Nan and smiled:

"Mr. Du, don\'t think Su Nan is serious. She told me just before she entered the room privately that she can\'t blame you. You are also thinking about the overall situation of the company.

Everyone in the circle has a knife in their heart. Su Nan is a layman in the entertainment circle and doesn\'t understand the rules. She messed up things on a whim. It\'s good that you can clean up the mess, but... The way is a little against her heart. "

After a few words, Du Yan\'s face was completely normal.

Shang Qian\'s tone was playful, but his eyes were very sincere when he spoke.

People have to believe that this is true!

Listen to him.

Duyan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Su Nan.

"I knew Miss Su was the most understanding of the great cause. Don\'t worry, I will take a warning, keep the company clean, and guarantee to buy more yachts this year..."

Su Nan gave him a speechless look.

She let Su Qi buy a yacht, but it all spread?


Du Yan smiled brightly and looked at Xiang Shang Qian with a good feeling.

Su Nan put down the cup and glanced at him faintly:

"Mr. Du, I also hope you can make more clean money. After all, the company can\'t live without you."

Her words, like a needle to calm the sea, immediately put Du Yan\'s heart in his stomach.

He can still stay in Huaying entertainment steadily, which is a turning point.

The staff in the site announced the entrance.

Sunan was attracted and took Shang Qian away.

Shang Qian nodded his compliments and could only follow Su Nan with a helpless smile.

Su Nan approached him and whispered:

"Why did you say so much just now? Anyway, I can\'t find someone to replace him for a while."

Shang Qian smiled helplessly.

"Miss Su has been on the top for too long. She has forgotten the most basic human relationship in the workplace. If you keep him, you must let him thank you for your kindness."

The two men lowered their voices, and no one could hear what they were saying.

In the eyes of outsiders, it will only be two people who bite their ears intimately.

She is so talented and beautiful that she is really pleasing to the eye!

Su Nan curled her lips. She didn\'t care what Du Yan thought.

Anyway, what he did, if it was in the Su group, she would let him pack up and go away.

But in Huaying entertainment, Du Yan has always had a good relationship with Su Qi. Once he left, there was no substitute for him in the company.

So she didn\'t intend to touch him.

It\'s just a verbal abuse.

Don\'t try to have fun anyway.

Shang Qian: "but it doesn\'t matter. You can always do this!"

After thinking, he opened his mouth slowly.