After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1184

"Miss Su..."

We didn\'t expect to discuss such a dirty thing next to Su Nan\'s car.

Su Nan stopped her head, took her skirt and walked forward with great strides.

She has no other momentum. She always has a bright and upward vitality. Her gestures are noble and bright and beautiful.

She went directly to the waiting area of the red carpet and saw sun Haoyang who was a little nervous standing there.

Sunhaoyang looks at Su Nan and is surprised:

"Miss Su, why are you here?"

Su Nan smiled and walked over to stand beside him:

"Cheer you up. Don\'t be nervous. There will be many such occasions in the future."

Sunhaoyang smiled gratefully and tidied up his tie.

"Thank you, Miss Su."

Of course, the staff will not stop Su Nan and sun Haoyang from entering the site.

After all, both of them are pretty good-looking people.

It will attract a lot of heat.

Luck that no one else can ask for

But while waiting, a man behind him came running panting.

"Miss Su..."

Su Nan turned slightly and looked at Yu Fei standing there. Her face was red because of the fierce running.

She blinked. "What\'s up?"

The staff at the side hurriedly spoke:

"Mr. Yu\'s admission order is next to Mr. Sun. You can wait a few meters away."

He was most afraid that people in this circle would play big cards. He had to change the order.

Sometimes people go there with a stiff head, but there is nothing he can do. He will only disturb the order of the rest.

Yufei looked embarrassed. He tightened his lips, looked at Su Nan and SUN Hao Yang.

Then he took back his sight and looked at Su Nan.

"Miss Su, I have something to tell you."

Su Nan smiled with a faint smile.

"Let\'s wait until we have time. This time is not a suitable occasion."

She is not in the mood to say anything to Yufei.

She doesn\'t owe him.

He didn\'t take back the resources in his hands. She is already very good. Whether she can hold them or not is his own skill.

Yu Fei\'s eyes flickered slightly, and his tone was somewhat lost:

"I won\'t do that. The people around me just joked. Hao Yang and I are old friends. I\'m happy for him when he gets popular."

SUN Hao and Yang stood there without knowing what had happened.

Su Nan scratched her lips and didn\'t smile much.

"That\'s the best, Yufei. You have to know a truth. You can only ask for what I give you. If I don\'t give it, you can\'t reach for it!"

Yu Fei\'s face turned white. He nodded obediently under the gaze of sunhaoyang and the staff.

He knew that Su Nan began to be dissatisfied with him.

His previous series of actions had made her dissatisfied. He should have realized it long ago.

We shouldn\'t be careless and take down Viola\'s cover. He thinks it\'s OK. Even artists from the same company have a competitive relationship.

Leak detection can maintain a good cooperative relationship for the company. Moreover, he also needs such a cover to help his position.


The decline of Viola is just the beginning.

The staff at one side urged:

"Mr. Sun, Miss Su, ok..."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Nan\'s hand took sunhaoyang\'s arm.

The two are not far behind. They have a sense of propriety. In front of the camera, their appearance is very resistant.

It can be seen that the order of the final axis is very important. Everyone is tired of the aesthetics in front, and even the shutter speed is full.