After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1167

Su Nan paused, her eyes sinking, thinking.

"Which is the best cover in the circle now?"

Du Yan looked at her suspiciously, "what do you want?"

Su Nan took a leisurely sip of coffee and pursed her lips:

"If you want to shoot, you can shoot the best. I can\'t see the mess......"

Du Yan: "...."

He did not doubt the ability of the Soxhlet group to connect with the best magazines.

But the position of others was put there, and letting sunhaoyang, a third tier male artist, shoot it simply lowered their level.

Therefore, he is not optimistic about Su Nan\'s idea.

I think it\'s unrealistic.

However, Su Nan stared at him, waiting for his answer.

After a pause, he could only say: "the best magazine in the global entertainment circle is the fashion magazine VJ of M country, which is also the most watched magazine and is called the global compass of fashion..."

Su Nan nodded, "OK, that\'s it..."

Du Yan\'s eyes widened in an instant.

"That\'s it? What do you mean?"

Su Nan blinked, "that\'s what you understand. If I can\'t get people into it, I\'ll buy it..."

Anyway, that\'s it!

Duyan\'s shocked eyes were almost staring out.

Su Nan\'s words are not implicit at all.

Buy it

But look at her posture, as if she can do it.

Du Yan paused. "If you don\'t think about it, there are still many in China..."

Su Nan raised her hand and interrupted him, "OK, that\'s it. I won\'t consider anything else."

With that, she stood up, took her bag and left.

Du Yan looked at her back and forgot to send her out.

It took me a while to react.

He hurriedly called Su Qi, who was far away from home, but could not get through.

He left a message: "your sister is going crazy. She even wants to buy VJ!"

After a while, Su Qi replied:

"Oh, if only she were happy."

Suqi: is the whole family crazy?

He is short-sighted.

He didn\'t want to talk any more, so he turned off his cell phone.


Su Nan returned to Su\'s group, thought about it and called Ning Zhihe.

She is familiar with fashion circles and knows more than she does!

The phone is connected. Ning Zhi seems to have just returned from the race and is out of breath:

"Xiao Wu, have dinner together in the evening?"

Su Nan: "I\'m afraid it\'s inconvenient. After all, Shang Qian is back. I have to pick him up..."

Ning knew: "why did you call me when you met me?"

"I want to ask you a question. You are familiar with the fashion circle. Do you know VJ?"

"Yes, why?"

"I want sun Haoyang to shoot the cover. Do you have any resources?"

Ning knew that he didn\'t swallow a mouthful of water and directly sprayed it out.

"Su Xiaowu, focus your attention on the business. Don\'t think about what you have."

"Is it possible?"

Ning knew that he was speechless and rolled his eyes, looking at the blue sky.

"I know one of their chief editors, but I\'m afraid I don\'t have such a big face.

All the first-line celebrities have to make an appointment one year in advance. The one-year review period ensures that the background of the artist is clean and that the shooting process will be started only when there is no black material.

Like sun Haoyang, who is covered in black material, has just washed a little white, so it is impossible to go through the trial... "

Su Nan paused. "Well... I\'ll buy it!"

Ning knew that the saliva he had just drunk came out again.

Almost choked her to death!

What did she hear