After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1168

Ning Zhi coughed for a while.

Settle down and sigh:

"Su Xiaowu, do something serious. Sooner or later, your family property will be used up by you!"

Su Nan blinked blankly, "where is this?"

Ning knew: "also......"

Anyway, if she made up her mind to buy it, the Su family would give it their full support.

"But don\'t be impulsive. Although my ability here is limited, I suggest you find someone who can certainly help you."

Ning knows the mysterious opening.

Su Nan: "say..."

"Shang Qian, you don\'t need such a good resource. Isn\'t it a waste?"

Rather know what you say.

Su Nan wondered, "what does Shang Qian have to do with this magazine? He\'s not from the entertainment industry!"

Ning Zhi choked:

"Why don\'t you know anything about your boyfriend?"

Su Nan: "...."

Ning Zhi sighed, drank a few mouthfuls smoothly and smoothly, stabilized his ups and downs, and then explained:

"This magazine is not only a magazine in the entertainment circle, but also in finance, science and technology and current politics. As far as I know, Shang Qian is really a sweet cake in their eyes. They have always wanted to invite Shang Qian to have a discussion, but they have been declined.

However, Shang Qian has a good relationship with the editor in chief of this magazine. Previously, he attended the cocktail party together. In addition, Shang Qian\'s foundation is there. A good relationship with the media is the most basic skill. Their relationship must be very good.

You might as well try your luck at Shang Qian...... "

After Ning Zhi finished, Su Nan thought it was reasonable.

She simply hung up the phone and was ready to get off work.

Yu Lou pushed the door in and said, "President Su, are you leaving now?"

Su Nan: "finally, I\'m off duty. I\'m gone..."

Looking at her back, Yu Lou couldn\'t help thinking.

According to his memory, Su Nan spent no more than two hours in the company today.

Su Nan went to the garage to drive. On the way, she went to the private kitchen to pack some prepared meals and went straight back to her apartment.

Standing at the door of Shang Qian\'s apartment, I hesitated.

Although she knew the password of their house, she didn\'t go there on her own initiative.

But Shang Qian should still be resting now. Maybe she will disturb him when she goes in

But think about the face of that old woman, chief editor Viola Zhang. She didn\'t even think about it. She just pressed the password.

The big house is clean and tidy, very quiet.

Shang Qian should still be sleeping in his bedroom.

Su Nan didn\'t think much, so she went directly to the kitchen and put the packaged food on a delicate plate one by one.

It\'s very beautiful.

As soon as the last dish was served, I saw a lazy and tall figure standing by the wall, leaning against the wall. The whole person had a gentle temperament with an air of no affectation.

There was a smile in his eyes, and when he looked at him, it seemed to overflow with light.

Su Nan was surprised, "are you up?"

Shang Qian smiled deeper and deeper. He walked over, took her hand and kissed her gently on the back of her hand.

Thousands of lovers.

"Hard work, you shouldn\'t do these things with these hands. You don\'t need to do these things for me in the future."

Su Nan blinked and looked at a table full of rich food.

He seems to have misunderstood something.

"Why don\'t you sit down and have a taste?"

Su Nan calmly and warmly invited him to sit down.

Shang Qian sat down, his eyes full of tenderness, as if he could drown people in his eyes.

Su Nan felt guilty at once, but didn\'t open her mouth to explain.

Shang Qian is very proud. He eats every dish with enthusiasm and looks like he wants to eat all his food