After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1166

Du Yan pinched his eyebrows:

"I probably shouldn\'t have brought you here."

Sunan: "fortunately, you brought me here. Your analysis is right. Sunhaoyang\'s words and deeds represent the image of the Su group. He can\'t have any stains on his body. He must make a way out of his own black material.

Otherwise, all our previous efforts will be wasted! "

Sunhaoyang has put on his clothes and walked over:

"Miss Su, don\'t worry. Even if I don\'t shoot the cover, I will shoot well. Recently, the paparazzi have been watching closely. I will pay attention to my private life."

Su Nan nodded, and sunhaoyang was very good at it. She was very satisfied with this.

"Well, don\'t worry about the cover. I\'ll contact someone else."

Sunhaoyang kept his bottom line and did not yield to the unlimited requirements of photographers like others, which has refreshed Su Nan\'s understanding of him.

Very rare.

Sunhaoyang\'s assistant came and took him away.

Su Nan and Du Yan also left the studio and returned to the office.

The people left could not help sighing:

"Miss Su is really rustling. She was a fairy when she met that old woman!"

"That\'s right. Who doesn\'t know what the old woman\'s idea is. She thinks SUN Hao and yang are so bullied that she wants to make hidden rules. She doesn\'t know how old she is. She can be his mother!"

"Fortunately, Miss Su arrived in time. Otherwise, I was still worried about how it would end. The photographer obviously listened to editor Zhang and deliberately embarrassed sunhaoyang."

"That\'s right. First, we took off the psychological defense line to defeat the artists, then we used the temptation of resources in the circle, and then we naturally hidden the rules. I don\'t know how many times this routine has been used..."

"In a word, Su goddess is a unique goddess!"


In Duyan\'s office.

Su Nan sat on the sofa and drank coffee calmly and gracefully.

Du Yan was impatient:

"Su Nan, this cover is really rare. In fact, it doesn\'t matter if the artists are wronged. They are all on their way to success

It will happen.

When he becomes popular, his image will be very important to Su\'s group, and others will not see those illusory black materials...... "

Su Nan raised her eyebrows, put down her coffee and looked up at him.

"Duyan, don\'t you see, sunhaoyang doesn\'t want to?"

In a word, Duyan was completely silent.

Yes, they only care about the trade-offs between the pros and cons.

But no one cares about sunhaoyang\'s idea.

For the company, he is a tool man who can make money.

Duyan will not take the initiative to care what he is thinking.

"If he wants to, he won\'t make the photographer angry and scold. If he doesn\'t want to, he can\'t do it."

Du Yan was helpless: "these are all jobs. What are you willing to do? This opportunity is very important..."

"Mr. Du, some transactions are done privately. That\'s what you love and I want. But since you say you don\'t want to, you can\'t force people to do them openly."

Su Nan\'s tone was already a little cold.

Just because she doesn\'t say it doesn\'t mean she doesn\'t know.

When taking photos, the eyes of editor Zhang looking at sunhaoyang were full of greed and desire. She knew something in her heart.


Du Yan was a little stunned, and he also noticed Su Nan\'s cold mood.

He pursed his lips, "but now... Even if all the resources I can get are given to him, few covers have the appeal of Viola.

When the announcement of Viola\'s replacement comes out, it may have a greater negative impact on sunhaoyang. "