After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1165

Su Nan\'s voice was neither high nor low, but he did not deliberately suppress it.

Many people around heard Su Nan\'s voice.

Everyone felt extremely happy.

Depending on its position in the circle, Viola magazine has divided artists into three, six, nine grades, which has been spread in the industry.

However, their sales and feedback have been very good, and they are very popular with fans. After each shooting, there will be a wave of publicity for the photographed artists, and the artists will get more benefits from it.

So many people would like to be on their cover even if they broke their heads. Even if they looked down at the face of the editor in chief and the photographer, they would never leave easily.

In this way, it further encourages their arrogance.

Su Nan\'s words directly pierced their fig leaf.

It was like slapping them in the face.

Simply and loud.

The mockery without any scruples sounds really cool!

Hearing Su Nan\'s words, the photographer and editor Zhang immediately shut up.

I don\'t know how to explain.

Duyan coughed.

"Su Nan, their magazine is originally sexy. It may be that there are some problems in shooting. I think everyone should compromise.

Sun Haoyang continued shooting. Just don\'t be so rigid as he asked. It\'s almost enough.

He was supposed to make good preparations for the endorsement of Su\'s group. If such photos were circulated, how much would Su\'s group lose?

Don\'t say that he may not be able to stay in the circle. You will also be implicated later! "

Editor Zhang nodded immediately.

"Well, well, according to President Du, I\'ll ask the photographer to prepare to shoot again..."

Su Nan paused.

"No, sun Haoyang won\'t take part in the shooting of this magazine. Go back."

Her tone was cold and final.

There is no room for negotiation at all.

They took the initiative to shoot sun Haoyang.

But as sun Haoyang\'s boss, sun Haoyang should be grateful for this opportunity.

Didn\'t you expect to be rejected?

Suddenly, editor Zhang\'s face was a little ugly.

"Miss Su, maybe you don\'t know much about this market. Our magazine is the best stepping stone to enter the fashion circle. How many artists are jealous of this opportunity. Don\'t you ask sun Haoyang what he means?"

Su Nan glanced at her and then looked at sun Haoyang resting on one side.

Sunhaoyang did not hesitate:

"I listen to Miss Su."

Editor Zhang\'s face became even worse.

The photographer could not help but bite his teeth and hissed coldly:

"But when I made a work, I thought I was a big shot?

Well, I think besides us, there is a magazine that will put you on the cover? "

Chief editor Zhang Gouchi dared not offend Su Nan, but they had no interest in Su Nan.

With his contacts and position in the circle, it is still possible for all magazines to refuse sunhaoyang.

"In that case, listen to Miss Su!

If you don\'t shoot, don\'t shoot. However, we will inform our fans of the results of the replacement. "

To put it bluntly, they will announce the temporary replacement.

At that time, it will inevitably cause gossip in the circle.

At that time, it will spread some stories about sun Haoyang playing big cards with the capital behind him. Under the black-and-white blur, sun Haoyang won\'t want to turn over again.

Editor Zhang simply said goodbye and asked people to leave the studio with their things.

Duyan sighed aside.

Su Nan glanced at him in a cool tone:

"Think I\'m too impulsive?"