After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1164

The photographer looked at Du Yan\'s face and knew that Su Nan was the one he couldn\'t afford to offend.

Not to mention that everyone in Su\'s group behind her is afraid of Su Nan\'s third brother Su Qi. No one dares to provoke her in the circle.

"Miss Su, you don\'t know the doorway here. We don\'t mean anything else. We just want sun Haoyang to get into the state quickly..."

The photographer looked at Su Nan nervously.

Su Nan scratched her lips and sneered.

"I don\'t understand your professional affairs, but some people do. They have to take off their clothes to take photos. You know better than I do.

Sun Haoyang has fallen to the bottom of the valley. You know better than me what will happen if his photos are circulated... "

The photographer turned pale. "No... it doesn\'t mean that."

Looking at the stalemate here, chief editor Viola came over. The woman was mature, but her posture was swaying, and her dress was fashionable and charming. She was at least ten years younger than her actual age.

"Miss Su, this photographer is the most qualified photographer in the circle. Many blockbusters are written by him. His attainments in photography art can be described as the highest.

How many artists are scrambling to make an appointment with him. Outside, we should trust his professional ability. "

Duyan coughed and introduced Sunan:

"This is Viola\'s editor in chief, Miss Zhang, who asked sunhaoyang to shoot the cover."

While Su Nan looked at her, chief editor Zhang had withdrawn his envious eyes in time.

According to her years of experience, Su Nan\'s posture and temperament are perfect and unique. If she can sign her, there is no doubt that she will be a cash cow.

She doesn\'t have to do anything. Standing there is enough to attract everyone\'s attention.

Every woman would be jealous of such a Sunan, integrating beauty, wisdom and perfect family background.

What are your regrets?

Editor Zhang smiled at Su Nan, elegant and charming:

"Nice to meet you, Miss Su."

Su Nan nodded and smiled politely.

"Editor Zhang, thank you for your love for sun Haoyang. However, is the way you shoot like this for all artists or just for sun Haoyang?"

Su Nan asked directly, leaving editor Zhang and the photographer stunned.

Of course, the first-line celebrities and the artists who vie for the top spot on their cover are treated differently.

Just... Can you say that directly?

I\'m afraid Su Nan will turn over immediately.

Editor Zhang looked at Du Yan. He didn\'t mean to help, so he smiled and looked at Su Nan:

"Of course, they are treated equally."

Su Nan raised eyebrows:

"So you have a lot of nude photos of artists in your hands?"

Editor Zhang and the photographer immediately changed their faces.

In this case, it is tantamount to pushing their cover to a dead end.

Everyone will doubt whether the photographer will take a full range of undress photos of artists when shooting.

Those front-line bigwigs, of course, will not be manipulated by them.

However, those second - and third tier artists who are moving towards the front line step by step have basically not been spared.

If this news gets out, it will certainly cause an uproar in the entertainment industry.

They looked at Su Nan. She smiled very quietly, but everyone could feel her indifference.

"Miss Su, of course things are not what you think. Art is a pursuit..."

Editor Zhang wants to fool her with some professional terms.

Su Nan glanced at him. "You are very proud of your pursuit of unlimited art?"