After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1163

Shang Qian had to be her driver.

The real driver sits in the back

This scene is so weird.

The driver still doesn\'t understand why Shang Qian wants to rob him of his work?

As a driver, he sits where only the boss can sit.

I am on pins and needles.

Su Nan subconsciously glanced at Shang Qian.

Shang Qian had no choice but to be the driver.

If I had known, he would not be so obsessed with being a driver.

Not even her hand.

At the gate of Huaying entertainment, Shang Qian stopped and Su Nan got off.

After the two said goodbye to each other, Su Nan turned and went to the company.

Du Yan had asked people around him to meet her at the door. As soon as Su Nan entered, he went upstairs directly.

Seeing her coming in, Du Yan hung up the phone with a smile.

"Just in time. Let\'s see the latest achievements of sunhaoyang. Let\'s go?"

He led her out.

Su Nan didn\'t understand, "results?"

Duyan couldn\'t help laughing:

"The editor in chief of Viola magazine came to me the other day and said he wanted to invite sun Haoyang to shoot the cover. You know, their magazine is a weathervane for the global fashion index."

Su Nan could not help but be shocked: "really?"

"I don\'t even believe it. I\'ve been building SUN Hao and Yang on the strength faction. Who knows that the idol faction has found him, but since it\'s a good opportunity, I didn\'t refuse.

Now they are in the studio. Let\'s go and have a look. "

Of course, she can\'t miss it. After all, she has never seen how the cover blockbuster was shot?

Curiosity was immediately aroused.

She nodded at once, and Du Yan took her there.

In the studio.

The staff continued to work, but the atmosphere was quiet. Even their voices were deliberately lowered.

Immediately came the sound of snapping photos.

"Don\'t be so stiff. Won\'t your bones be any softer?"

"Sun Haoyang, will you shoot it?"

"Pull your clothes down a little bit. I said so long ago. Just take off your pants. What\'s your big man\'s ink?"


Hearing the sound, Su Nan walked over and could not help frowning slightly.

Even Du Yan\'s face changed.

He was open to these things, but Su Nan saw them for the first time

If Su Qi knew he was taking his baby sister to see some ugly things in the circle, he wouldn\'t kill him back?

I was about to make an excuse to take Su Nan away, but the photographer became a demon again.

"Can you shoot a big man who can\'t even take off his clothes?

Those first-line celebrities are more straightforward than you. If you don\'t want to shoot them, get out! "

Du Yan looked at Su Nan and yelled:

"Let who go? This is my place!"

As soon as everyone saw the big boss coming, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

The photographer came over and smiled.

"Mr. Du, I\'m just kidding. There is no need for work. He just wants sunhaoyang to cooperate. You see, our editor in chief is still waiting here. Of course, he is optimistic about sunhaoyang\'s potential..."

Su Nan\'s face was a little cold:

"Is your magazine a pornographer?"

The photographer\'s face immediately changed.


As soon as he saw that Su Nan was standing next to Du Yan, he choked back his swearing words.

"Miss Su..."

Su Nan glanced at sun Haoyang, who was standing there, and said calmly:

"Take a break and relax."

Sun Haoyang nodded, and the assistant immediately handed over the towel and water.