After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1147

Suddenly, he was a little stunned.

Su Nan quickly whispered a few words to the people on the phone and hung up.

Hurried over and looked at Shang Qian:

"Did I wake you up?"

Shang Qian smiled, "no, the food was so delicious that I woke up from my sleep..."

He glanced at the dining table and was shocked. It was very rich and unexpected.

He thought Su Nan would really do something simple, but he didn\'t expect to be so careful.

Suddenly, a warm current surged through the chest, and everything was swept away.

Su Nan took him to the table to sit down and filled him with a bowl of soup:

"Have a taste..."

Shang Qian smiled and took a sip of it to save face. Then he looked serious and gave a thumbs up.

"It\'s so full of color, smell and taste!"

Su Nan smiled proudly, "of course."

"But who did you call just now, laughing so happily?"

Shang Qian asked casually.

Su Nan: "cicada, I told you some time ago that there are several actresses in the crew who are chewing their tongues? The female lead has left the circle, and there are still a few left. Cicada said that they have all been dealt with."

Shang Qian nodded. He really knew it.

Ning knows that she is thoughtful and has more means than Su Nan.

However, this is also in line with her hard-working character, which is totally different from Su Nan, who grew up in the family.

"What did you do?"

Su Nan: "it\'s nothing more than taking away their resources, leaving them with no scenes to shoot, and gradually being forgotten.

Anyway, the fans can\'t see the new people in the entertainment circle one after another every day. Who cares about the current situation of the 18th line? "

Shang Qian nodded. Indeed, cold treatment is a good method.

It sounds like you have to forgive others, but it\'s actually very painful.

This kind of 18 lines, three days without heat, will no longer have fans looking forward to exposure.

Shang Qian conscientiously finished a meal, and basically there was not much left.

Su Nan also simply ate some. She was not very hungry, mainly to pass the time.

Finish your meal.

Shang Qian put everything in the kitchen, put the dishes and chopsticks in the dishwasher, and carefully cleaned up the rest.

Su Nan didn\'t rob him. After all, she didn\'t enjoy working.

Sitting in the living room watching TV.

Shang Qian came out with the fruit and put it in front of her.

Su Nan blinked and looked at him: "do you want to sleep a little longer?"

I haven\'t slept for a day and a night, but I only get two hours\' sleep. Isn\'t that enough?

Shang Qian shook his head, smiled and sat down beside him.

The sofa sank, and the warm fragrance of the people around her enveloped her. Su Nan was inexplicably nervous.

My heart beats faster.

He held out his hand. Su Nan was stunned and put his own hand on his hand.

Shang Qian seized his grip and sighed.

"Now can you tell me what happened last night?"

Su Nan paused and looked up. Shang Qian smiled far fetched:

"Our Su Nan was angry with me for the first time. I must know why?"

Su Nan opened her mouth. "No... nothing."

She didn\'t want to talk about last night, especially Fu YeChuan, the damned son of a bitch.

"You can\'t lie, so there must have been something last night. You really don\'t want to tell me?"

Shang Qian wanted Su Nan to speak out with a gentle and seductive tone.

Su Nan pursed her lips and felt uncomfortable.

"Do you have to tell you everything? Have you told me all the time yourself?"