After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1146

Shang Qian smiled and looked ahead.

Sunan: "I\'m lucky to have found a leak!"

Shang Qian smiled: "Susan took care of him from an early age. She was originally a businessman and had a good relationship with Mike\'s biological father.

When I left the store, Susan quit her job and followed me to take care of Mike. "

Su Nan nodded, "no wonder you all trust her..."

Shang Qian\'s eyes darkened slightly:

"Because many times before, Susan found someone was spying on Mike. If it weren\'t for her, I would have been too busy at that time. I don\'t know what would happen..."

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

Su Nan regretted mentioning this topic.

Fortunately, I arrived at the apartment soon.

Shang Qian took two bags and got on the elevator effortlessly.

Su Nan pressed the floor. Shang Qian raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Soon, we arrived at the door of Shang Qian.

He opened the door and Su Nan followed him in.

As soon as Shang Qian entered the kitchen, Su Nan walked over:

"Why don\'t you take a rest and take a nap while I cook?"

Shang Qian was surprised.

Su Nan smiled, took his hand and pushed him out.

"Don\'t worry, it won\'t blow up your kitchen. You haven\'t slept all day and night. Go squint for a while?"

Although Shang Qian kept up his spirits to chat with her all the way, it was not difficult for her to find the tired look on his face.

Although she didn\'t want to cook, it was acceptable to cook him a meal.

Shang Qian smiled and held her hand:

"If I had known that I wanted you to cook, I might as well have gone out to eat."

Seeing Su Nan\'s look slightly changed, he immediately added:

"I\'m afraid you\'re tired. How can we miss Su do such rough work?"

Su Nan\'s expression slowed down and she bent her mouth:

"Well, you are really lucky today. I have to do it. You can look forward to my skills."

Seeing this, Shang Qian could only smile helplessly. He rubbed the center of his eyebrows. He really couldn\'t hold on.

"That\'s hard for you. Just make something simple. I\'m not picky about food. I can cook it when it\'s cooked."

Su Nan nodded, and Shang Qian went to the bedroom with a heavy and tired step.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned and began to process the food.

Fortunately, these things imported from abroad are very clean. Basically, they can be flushed with clean water.

With a feeling of great shame, Su Nan conscientiously prepared a meal.

There are four dishes and one soup, which have all the colors, flavors and tastes.

The cooking skill she learned for Fu YeChuan at the beginning was deliberately forgotten by her. Now she can still do it easily.

But now, she has gradually forgotten the humble feeling of learning to cook before.

She felt at ease and comfortable.

Probably because of Shang Qian?

The smell of the food wafted into the bedroom.

Shang Qian just slept, but when he woke up, he picked up his cell phone and looked. Two hours passed.

He sprang up and went out without shoes.

Looking at Su Nan standing on the balcony to make a phone call, she deliberately lowered her voice.

He breathed a deep sigh of relief.


She\'s still there.

Wearing a lazy knitted dress, Su Nan looked gentle and bright, with some playful sweetness, and joked with the people on the phone.

The midday light was extraordinarily strong.

The light enveloped her, and the light halo set off her independence.

Shang Qian was not willing to disturb this picture. He leaned against the wall and looked at it silently. The arc of the corner of his mouth never came down.

Su Nan turns around on the phone and accidentally sees Shang Qian standing there.

He is also looking at her