After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1148

Shang Qian was stunned and his eyes were slightly condensed.

Su Nan knew from his appearance that he was not going to talk about it.

Immediately, she wanted to take back her hand, but Shang Qian held it tightly.

He looked at him with a quiet face:

"Have you heard anything?"

"What do you think?"

At this time, she won\'t directly ask why he didn\'t tell her about the economic crisis?

"What do you think?", It seemed to leave him enough room, but it seemed that nothing was left.

Shang Qian looked at her for a few seconds and smiled calmly.

"I see."

"What do you know?"

Su Nan asked back.

"Did you hear that I was going bankrupt?"

Su Nan was silent.

Silence is everything.

Shang Qian pinched her hand with a helpless tone:

"The message is a fake message I sent out, so I didn\'t tell you."

Su Nan was stunned and looked at him blankly.


Shang Qian nodded.

"Shang also joined forces with my opponents to make a game for me. If I wanted to jump, I would jump to show them.

But before jumping, I had turned the trap into my game.

Only by letting them know that I am about to go bankrupt, will they jump into my trap at all costs. "

Su Nan opened her mouth.

She suddenly felt that her worries were superfluous.

How could a successful person like Shang Qian who wandered along wall street go bankrupt overnight?

And is it bankruptcy caused by low-level reasons?

There is something wrong with this. She should have found out earlier.

Shang Qian looked at her with a smile. "Now you know? Don\'t worry so much..."

Su Nan gave him a white look and simply took back his hand.

"I\'m not worried."

Looking at her angry appearance, Shang Qian not only didn\'t worry and panic, but also looked at her and smiled calmly and indulgently.

In the smile, there is the most tender affection.

However, Su Nan\'s worried heart was completely in her stomach.

It turned out that he had already prepared for a false alarm, which was a white worry.

Shang Qian\'s tone was clear and soft. He smiled and asked her:

"I wanted to do it quietly, but who knows you heard about it? Who told you?"

Let her worry, how can he go?

Su Nan paused, "fuyechuan."

She didn\'t hide it, let alone hide it for him.

Anyway, when he told Su Nan the news, he meant no good.

Shang Qian\'s smile was stifled, his eyes were frozen for a moment, and he quietly bent his lips.

"Mr. Fu still cares about me so much?"

"He\'s looking forward to being punished..."

Su Nan sniffed softly, and her expression was very resentful:

"Shang also started. Can\'t Fu YeChuan help you here? Can I help you? Kill him..."

Shang Qian looked at her strangely, with a complicated complexion.

"It\'s hard to say. Shang also hated me to the core. I expected him to do this. However, it\'s still hard to say whether Mr. Fu was involved."

Sunan was silent.

Shang Qian thought Su Nan was strange today.

"Fu is not always looking for you?"

Su Nan paused, and Shang Qian\'s tone sank:

"Did he bully you?"

Su Nan glanced at him. Although Fu YeChuan\'s teeth were itching, there was no need to make it known to the world.

Especially when Shang Qian was suffering from enemies from both sides, we should not block him up.

"Nothing. I just joined a liquor store last night and saw that he was not very pleasant..."