After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1138

"Miss Leng, no matter what your choice is, I hope you are all right."

Su Nan sighed: "if you need help, you can come to me at any time."

For nothing else, she didn\'t feel that Leng Lin was worthless. She just loved her.

Although they both stand on the same point of view, they treat things in completely different ways.

Su Nan has the confidence and capital to fight against Fu YeChuan\'s power.

But what about Leng Lin?

In Lu Qi\'s eyes, her efforts are just pediatrics.

Lu Qi could make her doomed with a little finger movement.

This is why Su Nan pitied her.

She is willing to help her, but the premise is that Lenglin has made up her mind.

Now that she is pregnant with Lu Qi\'s child, it is unclear who her feelings are swaying towards

Su Nan didn\'t continue to ask, and Lenglin didn\'t seem to want to say more.

"Thank you. I will. You are always enviable. I hope Miss Su will be all right no matter what time."

Leng Lin smiled, took a deep breath, turned around and left slowly.

Su Nan watched it for a long time until she couldn\'t see anyone. She sighed and turned around.

As soon as she turned around, her body froze slightly.

Fuyanni did not know how long he had stood at the door, leaning against the wall.

He has no excited look inside, and the whole person is depressed like a lost dog.

Even the eyes are red.

He was erect, but lazy without any strength.

Su Nan was silent for a moment and didn\'t know what to say.

She went over and looked at him.


Fu Yanni raised his eyes slightly, and his eyes were full of red blood.

The two were friends in need. No matter how dangerous they were on that savage island, they had never seen Fu Yanni so lost.

Originally, he will despair?

When they were together, they were so magnificent that the whole world could not wait to feel their happiness.

At present, the end of the game is hasty and desolate.

Fu Yanni hooked his lips, and the corners of his eyes dropped again. He turned to go in, and Su Nan grabbed him.

"Fu Yanni, it doesn\'t look like you I know. Why should the one who got it loosen up? Don\'t you like her?"

She didn\'t think she had spoken, and her voice was a little impatient.

Both of them clearly did not put down their minds.

But they are torturing themselves.

Why not fight for it?

Sunan really hates her indisputable, but she has no position to accuse Leng Lin, so she can only ask Fu Yanni.

Fu Yanni\'s back froze.

Looking back at her, a strong sadness flashed between her eyes and eyebrows.

"Su Nan, she never forgot Lu Qi. She hated him, but she also loved him. She started a new relationship. It didn\'t make her feel much better, but it only added to her burden."

Su Nan was caught off guard and looked at him unexpectedly.

Fuyanni smiled at himself:

"So she let go of my burden and decided to put down the hatred of the past and make up with Lu Qi, who had long lost his way."

Su Nan tried to stop. "That child is really Lu Qi\'s?"

Fu Yanni nodded, his face lost:

"Yes, she and I may really have no fate, Su Nan. Forget it."

There was something bleak in his tone.

Sunan was silent. He didn\'t speak. He turned and pushed the door in.

Su Nan pursed her lips and felt complicated and uncomfortable.

I know too many things in one night. It\'s hard to digest.

She pushed the door in, never cared about anyone else, took her own things and left