After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1137

Looking at Leng Lin standing there, wearing a warm coat and boots, the whole person looked a little haggard, but also slightly fat.

"Long time no see."

Su Nan smiled and walked over as if nothing had happened.

Leng Lin also pulled the corners of her mouth, smiling feebly.

"Miss Su, I hope I won\'t disturb you."

Su Nan nodded. "Of course not. You can contact me at any time, but are you sure you are looking for me, not Fu Ershao?"

Leng Lin shook her head, and a trace of gloom crossed her eyes.

Su Nan\'s heart thumped, subconsciously feeling that something might have happened to the two of them.

Lenglin took out a document from her bag and handed it over:

"I really have no face to go to Su\'s group to find you. I know from others that you will come today. I specially want to give you this thing."

Su Nan picked it up, opened it and was stunned.

It is a company dissolution agreement.

Su Nan frowned and her face changed slightly.

"What does that mean? Isn\'t that your hard work?"

Leng Lin\'s lips are tickled and her smile is pale:

"Yes, hard work, but it won\'t be necessary in the future."

She took a deep breath, her eyes twinkled with glittering light, afraid that tears would fall down, she quickly hung her head.

Cowering in his coat, like an ostrich.

"It was you who paid for it that gave me the courage to start over. You found me resources, opportunities and people to buy. Almost everything I have comes from you. To tell the truth, at this stage, I think you are the one I am most sorry for."

Leng Lin paused and choked.

Su Nan looked at her calmly:

"Is something wrong? You can tell me. I can help you."

Lenglin shook her head and sighed.

"I\'m pregnant. It\'s really inconvenient for me to work again in the future. Not everyone can be a strong woman."

Su Nan looked at her in shock, "pregnant?"

She subconsciously looked back at Fu Yanni, but she forgot that there was a wall.

Lenglin: "it\'s not Fu Yanni\'s."

Su Nan was even more shocked.

"It\'s Lu Qi\'s."

She whispered and clenched her lower lip.

"Fu Yanni and I are over."

Su Nan didn\'t react. A few days ago, I heard that she and Fu Yanni were having a good time. How did she conceive Lu Qi\'s child in a twinkling of an eye?

Her eyes unconsciously looked down. Lenglin\'s stomach didn\'t have any radian, but she seemed to feel that there was a child inside.

I didn\'t know what it was like.

"Miss Su, let you down. Not all starts will have a good ending. Maybe my life is like this. I will remarry Lu Qi soon..."

She paused, but her eyes turned red unconsciously, and suddenly she smiled.

"In the program, I asked those injured women not to be stupid again, but to look forward. Now I think it\'s very funny.

My own feelings are in a mess. I am no longer qualified to do anything for others.

Sorry to disappoint you.

The company even confiscated its capital and announced its dissolution. I have packed all my things. Except for the dissolution fee for the employees, all the rest can be changed into money and have been hit to your card. "

Su Nan frowned at her, not knowing what to say.

"Those are your painstaking efforts. I didn\'t pay anything. Just keep them for yourself."

She knew that Leng Lin might have some difficulties, but she couldn\'t ask.

Leng Lin could not say.

The atmosphere stagnated for a while